🎭: I can't have you spoiling me all the time, I gotta give you something back. 🔗: no you can't give me things only take. 🥹 #KnoxClips #Brisklips
🔗: Let's strike you out, Luca 🦁: Strike my balls, Sonny 🔗: HUH 🦁: Strike my balls 🔗: WTF You're into that? You freak ⛅️: hahAHH 🦁: SHUT UP ⛅️: I'm awake now. That was funny as hell www youtube.com/watch?v=xR2tXd… #LucaLive #Brisklips #PenCast
にじ甲でのsonnyとalban対決 alban「来いよ…!!」 sonny「受けて見ろ…!!」 ㅤㅤㅤ youtu.be/CUI6_upHkAc / youtu.be/xR2tXdDl9H4 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ #Brisklips #KnoxClips
*Kuzu chooses 🐑 to pitch* Everyone: Come in, do you read me? 🔗: I can’t read #lucalive #ovideos #Brisklips #にじさんじ甲子園
聞くと幸せになれるsonnyの可愛い笑い声集 ㅤㅤㅤ #Brisklips
SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK //hashtags General: #SonnyBrisko Live: #SonnyLive Art: #Briskart NSFW: #FriskyBrisky Meme: #FunnyBrisko Thumbnail: #Thumbjail Clip tag: #Brisklips Assets/Props: #Sonnsets Art by @/nna7se
これはサニーくんが思い描く未来図にナチュラルに巻き込まれるあぅばん #Brisklips
サニーのアホ毛について何故かラップ調に訳しました #Brisklips youtu.be/mYN7CoG14TM
🔗: it’s dark, I need too pahhhhh✨✨✨ #Brisklips
【Noctyx切り抜き】息ぴったり!待望のサニーとふぅちゃんのサシコラボ RoboCopコラボの切り抜きをあげました~💛❤️終始平和かわいいサシコラボです! Full ver.👇 youtu.be/hjcdCkq9mVE #Ovideos #Brisklips #FulgurOvid #SonnyBrisko
🫶💛 #Brisklips
taichou and his fluffy ahoge🥹🥹🥹 #Brisklips
taichou sneezed in the middle of the word ‘sneeze’ don’t know why but that’s fu*king cute wth #Brisklips
꒰🔗🤲꒱ sneeze🤧 #Brisklips
TSKR🥹✨ (音カット) #Brisklips
🔗: I've got 2 messages here about 👹 insulting my mother yesterday, it's just a joke guys, it's okay. 🔗: it's not a problem, and if it was a problem the listeners don't need to worry about that, so please don't message me about these things. #Brisklips
🔗: this is a really big chip I could barely fit the one whole chip in my mouth 💬: your mouth just too small 🔗: no it's huge ahhhhh ⚠️Cuteness Overload⚠️ #Brisklips
Ukiが質問されている間後ろで二パー笑顔なSonny ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 10:36 youtu.be/-m5fbdIHGS4 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ #フワミナイト #Brisklips #Ukilipse
「青巻紙赤巻紙黄巻紙」が言えない2人 🎭 youtu.be/mVKT0TR_2Ss 👐 youtu.be/bS6PJuKlIPM #KnoxClips #Brisklips
🔗: “sit down on your seat” 🎧: “shit down on your-” 🎧: www 🔗: お前わざとやってんだろクソが!!! 🎧: wwwwwwwwww #Brisklips #yuclip
🔗: hey yugo 🔗: mash my balls 🎧: wwwwwww 🎧: ma- mash my ball 🔗: …… 🔗: NO. #Brisklips #yuclip
🔗🤲 お叱りの言語、日本語で草(tskr) #Brisklips #SonnyBrisko
SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK //hashtags General: #SonnyBrisko Live: #SonnyLive Art: #Briskart NSFW: #FriskyBrisky Meme: #FunnyBrisko Thumbnail: #Thumbjail Clip tag: #Brisklips Assets/Props: #Sonnsets Art by @/qingdanzai
BYEEEEEBYEEEEEEE<3333333 #Brisklips