#BrightAdventCalendar2021 12/3 gift from BFB: Personal seal ("亮"-bright's name in CN) with Sun Wukong-one of the famous fairy tale figures in CN.he is powerful,skilled and represents tact and bravery. Baby bright can use to tab his cute paintings. #bbrightvc @bbrightvc
人生尽兴,长乐未央。 This pair of cufflinks uses the words "长乐未央" from the Han Dynasty. The font adopts ancient Chinese font. "长乐未央" is the auspicious language widely used by the ancients, which means long happiness and never ending. #BrightAdventCalendar2021 #bbrightvc
#BrightAdventCalendar2021🎁】 12/2 gift from BJFC: Ame-chan Ame (hard candy)🐱🍬 We thought Bright-kun should receive these original hard candies✨ We send more than enough so @bbrightvc can share beloved Ame Ame with his family🥰 #bbrightvc #HBD2021fromBJFC
#BrightAdventCalendar2021 🎁】 12/16 2nd gift from BJFC: High quality nail clippers✨ Made in Japan quality✨ To care for our favorite guitarist @bbrightvc , we selected Kaijirushi brand! Hope this will help you play with easier fingering☺️💕 #bbrightvc #HBD2021fromBJFC
铃音似我心,常伴你左右,风铃上敦煌莫高窟演奏着动听的音乐。“嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。”身临其境,感受琵琶与清脆的风铃的碰撞,体验生活的美好,回味点点滴滴。优美的铃声荡气回肠,来开启亮亮的美好一天,新的开始。 #BrightAdventCalendar2021 #bbrightvc
#BrightAdventCalendar2021 15 Dec BFB:麒麟摆件 Kylin is the head of the five traditional Chinese divine beasts. Ancients say wherever kylin appears, there must be an auspiciousness. Kylin is often used to describe ppl with both integrity and ability just like bright. #bbrightvc
#BrightAdventCalendar2021 🎁】 12/27 アドベント・カレンダーギフト お誕生日当日の今日が最終日! FCs合同でUnmovableのカスタムオルゴールを贈りました🪐 "夢を翼に - #BrightsAroundTheWorld があなたの風になる- " のメッセージ入りです☺️✨ #24thBrightDay #bbrightvc #HBD2021fromBJFC
#BrightAdventCalendar2021 🎉 #bbrightvc #24thBrightday 12/27: this is the gift from all fanclubs of this advent calendar project. we specially ordered your new song unmovable. wish you like it. @bbrightvc