omg another hashtag hahaha susuka everyone #BraunxMewSuppasit
Plz watch the live on facebook naka, let's go support him there while pushing the hashtag here ˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑ Live stream: facebook.com/braun.electron… #BraunxMewSuppasit
You've worked hard today phi mew! <3 Have a good rest naka! also don't forget to cuddle with chubby chopper hehe #BraunxMewSuppasit
Thank you so much for today. It's a busy day but you guys always stay by my side. I typed in English because this is my new phone and I don't know where is a Thai keyboard haha. Love you to the max.😚#BraunxMewSuppasit