💣The first bombs have exploded! The game has begun. 🥴Fudders had thought that everything would just be like a rug. No! These are time bombs! 🤩Have you seen the power of @BombCryptoGame? #BombCryptoGame
#BCOIN moon sheet. How much #ROI do you predict #BCOIN will have? I humbly consider #ROI to be 100X. A great project. #LaunchZone #BombCryptoGame #LZ #LZP 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
@launchzoneann and @BombCryptoGame will be holding #AMA on: t.me/lzofficial Join for a chance to know a lot more information before #IDO is launched on September 21 on #LZPad. There is also a chance to receive a bonus of $200. #LaunchZone #BombCryptoGame #LZ #LZP
Although the #IDO #BombCryptoGame #LZHeroes program has ended to calculate the top 200 heroes, don't forget the next #IDO will follow shortly. #IDO carnival - stay and do it. #LaunchZone #LZHeroes twitter.com/launchzoneann/…