#US: Trump / #BlueLivesMatter loyalist Kyle Rittenhouse,17, released from custody on $2 million cash bond. He killed 2 people & shot at others at a #BlackLivesMatter protest. Used his coronavirus stimulus check to purchase the rifle used in the killings. tmj4.com/news/local-new…
黒人が逮捕時に抵抗→警官が取り押さえに失敗→ボコボコにされる。 #BlueLivesMatter
U.S. Trump supporters, specifically the Proud Boys disavow the police. After spending the summer of 2020 supporting the police's right to street execute black people. Disgruntled #BlueLivesMatter supporters ritualistically stomp on a U.S. flag. (📹@MathieuLRolland)
Standoffs continue in D.C. as police 'try' to enforce curfew. Trump loyalist, former #BlueLivesMatter supporter, ‘Traitors get the rope, traitors get the fucking rope. Wait til we come back with rifles, motherf*cker. You think that’s an idle threat?’
Black officers say many of the "Racist Ass Terrorists" at the #CapitolBuilding attack were former military, some police. They described being attacked by terrorists holding #BlueLivesMatter flags screaming, "we are doing this for you"/ "ni**ers". Report: buzzfeednews.com/article/emmanu…
U.S. Trump supporters, the Proud Boys, and police got into a slight altercation in Salem, Oregon. The Proud Boys claimed the police are now Antifa, apparently not fascist enough. Members later disavowed #BlueLivesMatter. Claim to no longer #BackTheBlue. (📹@MathieuLRolland)
US Trump and #BlueLivesMatter supporter aims a gun at an unarmed female journalist who took this video, proceeds to threaten other protestors outside of an ICE building while yelling 'all lives matter' in a racist rage. (📹@MaranieRae)