FTX is the opposite of #Bitcoin #Bitcoin ’s protocol was created precisely to prevent Ponzi schemes, bank runs, Enron’s, WorldCom’s, Bernie Madoff’s, Sam Bankman-Fried’s… …bailouts and wealth reassignments. Some understand it, some not yet. We’re still early. 🌎/21m
Land of the free 🇸🇻 #Bitcoin
I see that some people are worried or anxious about the #Bitcoin market price. My advice: stop looking at the graph and enjoy life. If you invested in #BTC your investment is safe and its value will immensely grow after the bear market. Patience is the key.
Ya tenemos aerolínea salvadoreña, de bajo costo y que acepta #Bitcoin 🌋🛫🇸🇻 @viajaVolaris
Thank you @jack for supporting us.We love you😍😍😍 #Hamstercoin is the best project🔥 @_hamster_coin Contract address: 0xb7b36ca86685af52186f1f9394e91d115a9da654 #HAMSTER #BinanceSmartChain #Binance #PancakeSwap #Bitcoin @cz_binance twitter.com/jack/status/14…
El Salvador’s entire size is 21,000 km2 Coincidence? I don’t think so! #Bitcoin🇸🇻
Don’t sell your #Bitcoin  on the cheap to @saylor. He is always buying when you panic sell. 👍
#Bitcoin cannot be hacked 🤷🏻‍♂️
Veo que algunas personas están preocupadas o ansiosas por el precio del #Bitcoin en el mercado. Mi consejo: dejen de ver la gráfica y disfruten la vida. Si invirtieron en #BTC su inversión está segura y su valor crecerá muchísimo después del bear market. Paciencia es la clave.
Planting seeds in 44 countries. 3 days to go… #Bitcoin is good for the world 🌍
#Bitcoin  is now legal tender in El Salvador.
Ok, ID-10t, I’m going to school you again, not because it’s going to be of use for you, since you’re just getting paid to attack #Bitcoin and defend fiat, but because the people deserve to know you are a fraud. twitter.com/steve_hanke/st…
#Bitcoin is dying
Most people still don’t have #Bitcoin.
Bank of England is “worried” about El Salvador’s adoption of #Bitcoin? Really? I guess Bank of England’s interest in the well-being of our people is genuine. Right? I mean, they have always cared about our people. Always. Gotta love Bank of England 😍 cryptoslate.com/bank-of-englan…
The US Government DOES NOT stand for freedom and that is a proven fact. So we will stand for freedom. Game on! #Bitcoin is FU money! twitter.com/nayibbukele/st…
Sometimes I think back to this and wonder how many people bought #Bitcoin then. It's up ~10x since, despite a coordinated global campaign by governments to undermine public understanding of—and support for—cryptocurrency. China even banned it, but it just made Bitcoin stronger. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Should we buy the dip? Or is it too small? 🤔 Come on guys, we need a better discount here! #Bitcoin🌋🇸🇻
2.73 million people already using @chivowallet 180 new users every minute (users not downloads). 1 million dollars in remittances being received every day. #Bitcoin🌋🇸🇻
So fake. Everyone who follows my account knows that I haven’t used my presidential laser eyes since last year. Thank you for reminding me that I should wear them again 😉 #Bitcoin🚀🌕 twitter.com/CryptoWhale/st…
We’re still testing and installing, but this is officially the first #Bitcoin mining from the #volcanode 🌋
#Bitcoin/#crypto have not changed. They don't care. There are always fluctuations in the market, for all kind of reasons. You can blame others for what they tweet (their freedom). Or you can take advantage of the opportunities. Not financial advice.
3 million salvadorans are already using @chivowallet. #Bitcoin🌋🇸🇻
BREAKING: President Nayib Bukele announces 44 countries will meet in El Salvador tomorrow to discuss #Bitcoin
¿Y los “periodistas” y “expertos” que no paraban de hablar cuando el #Bitcoin bajó 10%, ya dijeron algo ahora que subió 45%? Esta claro que no son ni “periodistas”, ni “expertos”, solo son activistas políticos de oposición. Eso es todo. Gente buscando con que atacar 🥱