Whiskered Yuhina (黄颈凤鹛,Yuhina flavicollis), in Yunnan province. Distinguished-looking small songbird with a brown mohawk of a crest. credit 秋天的记忆 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Yellow-cheeked Tit (黄颊山雀,Machlolophus spilonotus). Utterly unmistakable, with a bright yellow face and nape, which contrast smartly with a black crest, throat, and breast. credit 老黄牛x #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Red-whiskered Bulbul (红耳鹎,Pycnonotus jocosus). It features a tall black crest, a small red patch on ear and red under-tail coverts. credit 水晶石头 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Eurasian Blue Tit (青山雀,Cyanistes caeruleus), fluffy and Brightly-colored cutie. credit 看个鸟 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Cabot's tragopan (黄腹角雉). During courtship, male flashes his colorful wing linings and inflates bright-colored wattles on his head & throat. It is under top-class state protection in #China. by yujifeng #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Beautiful Sibia (丽色奇鹛,Heterophasia pulchella), in Yunnan province. A silky blue-gray sibia with a dark face found in foothill and montane evergreen forests. credit 苗璐 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Grey Peacock-Pheasant (灰孔雀雉, Polyplectron bicalcaratum) tries to impress the female. They are under top-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 秋天的记忆 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
male Himalayan Monal (棕尾虹雉,Lophophorus impejanus), in SW China's #Tibet region. It is under top-class state protection in #China (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW), and is national bird of #Nepal. #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Barn Swallow (家燕,Hirundo rustica) is busy building a nest. I often saw them building nests as a kid in southern #China's village. credit 森系八哥 #Chinese #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Black-winged Stilt (黑翅长脚鹬,Himantopus himantopus) are having the time of their life. Striking large black-and-white wader with a thin, straight bill and bright pink legs. credit 巴西木 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Crested Kingfisher (冠鱼狗, Megaceryle lugubris), in Hubei province. It features a large, shaggy crest. credit 秋山余照 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
male Mandarin Duck (鸳鸯). Male is very ornate with big orangey "sail fins" on the back, streaked orangey cheeks, and a small red bill with a whitish tip. credit 何平 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
male Himalayan Monal (棕尾虹雉,Lophophorus impejanus), in SW China's #Tibet region. It is under top-class state protection in #China (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW), and is national bird of #Nepal. credit 平恒 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Golden Pheasants (红腹锦鸡). Native to #China, they are under second-class state protection. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Scarlet Finches (血雀,Carpodacus sipahi), in Yunnan province. The brilliantly red male is fittingly named and unmistakable. credit 杨姐 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Indochinese Green Magpie (印支绿鹊,Cissa hypoleuca) feeds the young. They are under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 袁达明 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
courtship of Koklass Pheasant (勺鸡,Pucrasia macrolopha). They are under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 巴赫哥哥 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Bohemian Waxwing (太平鸟,Bombycilla garrulus) loves plum-leaf crab, in Jilin province. It is a plump, smooth-plumaged bird with a sleek crest. credit 摄影小动物 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Golden-breasted Fulvettas (金胸雀鹛,Lioparus chrysotis) are splashing and having fun. A stunning little bird, extremely brightly-colored for a fulvetta. credit 觉 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
sweet family of Demoiselle Crane (蓑羽鹤, Grus virgo), in Inner Mongolia region. They are under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 江上清风 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Streaked Spiderhunter (纹背捕蛛鸟) is splashing, in Yunnan province. a large spiderhunter with a long, curved black bill and black streaking all over its yellow-green upper parts. credit 真老铁 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Slender-billed Scimitar Babblers (剑嘴鹛,Pomatorhinus superciliaris) are splashing in Yunnan province. It features a bill shaped like a curved sword. credit 义胆雄丰 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Rufous-capped Babblers (红头穗鹛,Cyanoderma ruficeps) are splashing and having fun. 🤣 They move about low in dense bushy vegetation or bamboo in pairs or flocks. by 义胆雄丰 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Bar-throated Minlas (斑喉希鹛,Actinodura strigula) are having fun and splashing, in Yunnan province. It is also called Chestnut-tailed Minla. credit 郭丽霞 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023