Miho who will quietly shed tears only when she is alone 🥺🥺🥺 #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
Miho in blouse and pants look so hot #YoonA #윤아 #임윤아 #빅마우스 #BigMouth
This scene is just so sweet, how Miho pouring her heart out to Changho and then when she was about to vomit, she was like 'don't you look at me I will kill you if you do' 🤣 #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp3
[#이종석] #NEWS ‘빅마우스’ 극과 함께 절정으로 치닫는 이종석의 반박 불가 연기력 🔗 hi-story.co.kr/?p=6515 #LEEJONGSUK #하이지음스튜디오 #HighZiumstudio #빅마우스 #BigMouth
[220826-LIMYOONA__OFFICIAL] _ 제 남편을 찾아주세요🥺🙏🏻 곧 <빅마우스> 9회가 방송됩니다❣️ #빅마우스 #The_Big_Mouth #고미호 #임윤아 #LIMYOONA #limyoona__official #융스타그램 instagram.fsin6-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/ChuGLY2PmKV/ #YoonA #윤아 #BigMouth
220820 #BigMouthEp8 real time tv rating reaches 22.58% (peak)!! +0.11% from previous ep *note: this is real time so not the actual rating and usually actual rating is estimated to be about 1/2 of real time rating~ #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth
220901 GoodData's 4th Week of August's Hot Topic ranking #BigMouth ranked #2 for drama (=) #LeeJongSuk ranked #2 for drama performer (🔺1) #YoonA ranked #5 for drama performer (🔺4) #윤아 #임윤아 #빅마우스
I can totally relate when knetz say its like watching different person acting Miho in #BigMouth and Minyoung in #ConfidentialAssignment2 Esp when you watch one after another, YoonA you really did a great job 👍 twitter.com/mystarmyangel/…
220809 Racoi's 1st Week of August's Ranking Highest Internet response for Drama #2-#BigMouth (=) Most mentioned actor/actress (Overall) #3-#LeeJongSuk(⬆️1),#2 in male category(⬆️1) #4-#YoonA(⬆️2),#2 in female category(=) #14-#KwakDongYeon,#7 in male category(🆕) #윤아 #임윤아
Miho be like 'nahh don't flatter yourself so much, I don't want to work with you two either' 😎 #YoonA #윤아 #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp10
[220827-YOONGSTAGRAM] 그래서 빅마우스는 누구..? 😜 #MBC금토드라마 #빅마우스 [TRANS] So, who is Big Mouse..? 😜 #MBCFriSatDrama #BigMouth instagram.fsin10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/… instagram.com/p/ChxAp0RBBL0/ Hello YoonA why you teasing us too!!! hahaaa #YoonA #윤아 #임윤아
Miho is so smart for this and turning the public eyes back to the prosecutors for hiding things. 👏👏👏 #YoonA #윤아버블 #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp8
#BigMouth at #1 #ConfidentialAssignment (first movie) at #3 🥰🥰🥰 twitter.com/ottranking/sta…
220809 GoodData's 1st Week of August's Hot Topic ranking #BigMouth ranked #2 for drama (=) #LeeJongSuk ranked #3 for drama performer (=) #YoonA ranked #7 for drama performer (=) #윤아 #임윤아 #빅마우스
220823 Racoi's 3rd Week of August's Ranking Highest Internet response Drama #2-#BigMouth (=) Most mentioned actor/actress (Overall) #3-#LeeJongSuk(=),#2 in male category(=) #4-#YoonA(⬆️1),#2 in female category(=) #6-#KwakDongYeon (⬆️5),#3 in male category(⬆️3) #윤아 #임윤아
ขอแสดงความยินดีกับยุนอาที่ได้รับรางวัล Top Excellence Award (Miniseries) ที่ MBC Drama Awards 2022 #YoonAxMBCDramaAwards2022 #BigMouth#빅마우스 #ยุนอา #YOONA #LIMYOONA#임윤아 #윤아 #GirlsGeneration @GirlsGeneration #소녀시대 #SNSD
[#빅마우스 #이종석 #스틸] 이종석 + 수트 = 오늘은 여기 눕겠습니다 변호사로 변신한 이종석 AKA #박창호 스틸 대공개 7/29 9:50PM MBC 첫방송! #BigMouth #FilmStill #LeeJongSuk Jongsuk in suit as a lawyer? OMG I feel so blessed🤣 JUL 29 9:50PM premiere on MBC😛
Miho who will always take Changho's side because of his good nature 😊 I really love all these flashbacks that built up the trust and support that we are seeing in the present times #YoonA #윤아 #LeeJongSuk #빅마우스 #임윤아 #BigMouth #BigMouthEp8