Um ... yes, I wore the same clothes as my son, hahahaha.🤣🤣🤣 Love a person slowly has his shadow.☺️ Yes, I want to be such a person because I love him.🥰 #Beyourluve #BeyourluvexBuild
“金建成!金建成!” I, as BYL, will always choose him firmly, behind him.@JakeB4rever #Beyourluve #BuildJakapan #BeyourluvexBuild #colorfulBUILDday
This is my first time participating in the volunteer service,giving gifts for the first time,and embroidering my own clothes with Beyourluve.This is my first time, but it's not my last time,because our bond is deep and deep @JakeB4rever #BeyourluvexBuild #BUILDACOLORFULDAY