Hide your wives. I’ve been training to go an hour. #Betterthanyou #AEWRevolution
Running out of room for all these awards. #Betterthanyou
I’ll fuck the Conor clone up. Then I’ll wipe my ass with the original. Stay in your lane you roided up leprechaun. You can’t hang with the @AEW World Champion. #Betterthanyou twitter.com/TheNotoriousMM…
Today marks 7 years in professional wrestling. I’m 25, If I retired today I’ve already had one of the best runs in the history of the sport. #Betterthanyou
The New Years resolution gym fatties are dropping like flys. Lol. #Betterthanyou
Strong as a Titan. #Betterthanyou
As far as 2021 goes, it was my year. Just like 2022 will be my year. Just like every single year has and forever will be my year. #Betterthanyou
Got sick of CM ducking me like a coward. Decided I needed some me time. #Betterthanyou
You’re all puppets and I’m pulling the strings. #Betterthanyou
Today means everything to me. This is my home. These are my people. I love Long Island. Let’s do this. #Betterthanyou
People on Halloween dress themselves up so they can pretend to be someone else since they hate their own lives. I don’t have that problem. So this year I’ll be dressing up as myself again! #Betterthanyou
I’m a top name in the industry and I’ve only been on TV for two years. Let that sink in. Night marks ✌🏻 #Betterthanyou
I had the first match at ALL IN. I was a part of the first match in the history of AEW. I’m the youngest athlete to ever wrestle in the main event of an AEW PPV…Twice. Im a two time Dynamite Diamond ring champion. I’ve beaten Jericho 3 times. #Betterthanyou
I am a student of the game. I get compared to a lot of the all time greats in the history of the sport. Flair is impeccable, but with all due respect, I’m Maxwell Jacob Friedman. And by the time I hang up my boots, you’ll all realize…I’m incomparable. #Betterthanyou twitter.com/SKWrestling_/s…