I created the birthday art for Gavis Bettel. I have painted a lot of celebration art, but this is the first time I have had a fire scene ordered. HBD. beware of fire. ベッテルさんの誕生日イラストを作成しました。おめでとう。火の用心🔥 #BettelBash2023 #Bettelful
Im very honored to have the opportunity to join this fantastic birthday project with all the PG Chefs!! Thank you for the company from the very first day of debut Betsy! You killed it every day! Wish you and bettel2 a very happy birthday!! 💐🥳🎉🎂🥳💖 #Bettelful #BettelBash2023
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BELOVED JESTER<3🥳💜🎈 #Bettelful #BettelBash2023
Happy birthday, Gavino Bettulio 💖 You’re one of my absolute favorite entertainers~ Have an amazing day, funny man! #Bettelful #BettelBash2023
Happy birthday Bettel (and Bettel 2!)🥳 I want to eat the cake🤤 #BettelBash2023 #Bettelful
🎩#BettelBash2023🎩 ホロスターズEnglish -TEMPUS- ガビス・ベッテルさんの お誕生日お祝いコーナーを展開中‼🎊 ご来店の際はぜひお立ち寄りください✨ アニメイト通販にてホロスターズ関連商品販売中▼ animate-onlineshop.jp/pd/2109784/?ut…