We don’t know how long they extended the voting period, PLEASE STAY #1 CONSISTENTLY! 🚨 See what happens when we don’t give up?! We’re unstoppable 😭🔥 #BestAlbumINLIFE .@Stray_Kids twitter.com/skzranking/sta…
3 Minutes... please STAYs... #BestAlbumINLIFE
CURRENT GAP FROM #1: 850 VOTES. 😩😩😩 Come ONNN STAYs! WHERE ARE YOU?! 🚨🆘🚨 #BestAlbumINLIFE .@Stray_Kids 🔗 mbook.interpark.com/shop/event/bes…
Only ~30 minutes until our FINAL SPURT! 🗣🗣🗣 Prepare as many accounts as you can STAYs. They’re already closing the gap, let’s get our well deserved #1! 🚨 We’ve been working too hard to lose last minute! Let’s not be regretful! 🆘🆘🆘 #BestAlbumINLIFE .@Stray_Kids
Any STAYs available right now to make more accounts DM @SKZVotingTeams! NOW! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 SPREAD! #BestAlbumINLIFE .@Stray_Kids
🆘 ALL STAYs LISTEN UP! 🚨 Vote and let’s close the gap as soon as possible BUT. For EVERY account you vote with, MAKE AN entirely NEW ACCOUNT (or multiple!) 🗣 Got it?! #BestAlbumINLIFE Good + dedicated voters > Quantity! Let’s show everyone ‼️ .@Stray_Kids #StrayKids
NOW that’s #ChansRoom is over; we need to get it together STAYs! 😭 We went from a 2000 gap to a 500 gap but on #2 NOW. 🆘🆘🆘 Your votes reset, it’s time to use them to close the gap. 😭🚨 #BestAlbumINLIFE FOR .@Stray_Kids!
🆘 INTERPARK M4ss Voting in AN HOUR (9PM - 12AM KST) 🆘 • Competition’s Fanbases are having one at that time too, we NEED to be prepared! ❕ • Everyone make at least 10 NEW Accounts, YES! YOU! 🚨 Every STAY that sees this, please feel addressed ‼️ #BestAlbumINLIFE