[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] 10PM KST: 38,583,574 11PM KST: 38,641,827 (+58,253) 🔥 Are you still streaming with us, CARATs? Let’s go and increase our views!! Stream manually and Shazam #HOT and the fillers! ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT  #SEVENTEEN   @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] 9PM KST: 38,525,079 10PM KST: 38,583,574 (+58,495) CARATs, if you can please join us in our streaming party! Let’s aim for 100k views increase every hour! 🔥🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #SEVENTEEN  @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] Current Views: 38,525,079 Our streaming party for #HOT now begins! If you’re streaming with us, please drop your proofs with #SVT_HOT  #세븐틴  @pledis_17 🔥 ➡️ First hour goal: 100k ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] 11PM: 37,082,359 12AM: 37,150,369 (+68,010) Our SP has ended! We gained a total of 197,680 views in 3 hours. Continue streaming, CARATs! 🙏🏻 Please join us again tomorrow for our last SP! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #HOT #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] 10PM KST: 37,016,319 11PM KST: 37,082,359 (+66,040)❤️‍🔥 We have an hour left for the streaming party! Keep streaming and don’t forget to Shazam the songs! Let’s give more wins to #SEVENTEEN   @pledis_17! Stream #HOT! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] 9PM KST: 36,952,689 10PM KST: 37,016,319 (+63,630) CARATs, please encourage your friends to join us! Let’s aim for 100k views increase every hour! 🔥 We got this!! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #SEVENTEEN  @pledis_17
[#HOT VIEWS UPDATE] MV Views: 37,005,292 🔥 Way to go, CARATs! We have reached 37 million views on YT! Join the #BeTheHOTtest streaming party now and let’s increase those views! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] CARATs, look for our comments on the different MVs and reply! Let's be more interactive! You need to interact with YT especially if you're using playlists🔥 ▶️youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #HOT #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] MV Views: 36,952,689 CARATs, our streaming party wit @icaratstele @synergyforsvt @goingseventy and @SvtShazam begins now! Use the manual streaming playlists on the next tweet and don’t forget to Shazam the songs!🔥 #SVT_HOT #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] That's a wrap! Please join us again tomorrow for streaming #HOT MV!! Let's get those SNS points! 🔥 VIEWS GAINED 9PM - 35,701,119 12AM - 35,889,055 (+187,936) #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] VIEWS UPDATE 10PM - 35,773,417 11PM - 35,824,204 (+50,787) 🔻 ➡️ Last Hour Goal: 100k Last hour!! Let's try our very best! 🔥Drop your proof of streaming below. 🔗youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] VIEWS UPDATE 9PM - 35,701,119 10PM - 35,773,417 (+72,298) ➡️2nd Hour Goal: 100k We're very near to our goal!! Let's try to get 100k this hour 🔥 Drop your proof of streaming below. 🔗youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
지금 해외캐럿들은 뮤비 스밍중 💎 결제가 불가능하여 다운 참여가 어렵다면 뮤비 스밍으로 함께해주세요 💙 #BeTheHOTtest #SVT_HOT twitter.com/svtbillboard/s…
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] Current Views: 35,701,119🔥 Our streaming party for #HOT has begun! For the first hour, we have a goal of 🏆 100,000 views 🏆 If you’re streaming with us, please drop your proofs with #SVT_HOT  #세븐틴  @pledis_17 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] Join us tonight as we unite to increase our digitals & streams!🔥 If you can please join kCarats in mass downloading the song! Also participate in our mass streaming party! Let's do this! 💎🔥 ⏰ 9PM - 12AM KST #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] And that's a wrap!😍 Join us again tomorrow as we stream #HOT!! Thank you for joining us in our streaming party! 🔥 VIEWS GAINED 9PM - 34,415,052 12AM - 34,618,680 (+203,628) #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] VIEWS UPDATE 10PM - 34,485,905 11PM - 34,545,535 (+59,630) 🔻 ➡️ Last Hour Goal: 100k Carats we aren't reaching our goals! 🥺 Let's stream harder!🔥 Drop your proof of streaming below. 🔗 youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] VIEWS UPDATE 9PM - 34,415,052 10PM - 34,485,905 (+70,853) ➡️2nd Hour Goal: 100k We didn't reach our 1st hr goal! 🥺 Let's try to get 100k this hour 🔥 Drop your proof of streaming below. 🔗youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
HOT Focused Manual playlist that you can use to manually stream. If you can, please add Jun's Silent Boarding Gate MV, Dino's Danceology videos as well as Mingyu and Wonwoo's Bittersweet MV to the list. 다들 스트리밍하자! #BeTheHOTtest #FaceTheSun #세븐틴
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] Join us now in our YouTube Mass Streaming Party for #HOT! 🔥 Current Views: 34,415,052 ➡️1st Hour Goal: 150k Drop your proof of streaming below. Let's increase those streams 🔥 🔗youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#BeTheHOTtest STREAMING PARTY] Join us @synergyforsvt @icaratstele @goingseventy and @WorldwideCarats everyday for mass streaming #HOT! Let's work together to increase those streams!! 🔥 ⏰ 9PM - 12AM KST 🗓 June 2 - June 5 #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17