A mysterious figure spotted at the Base Camp...? 😳 2020. 12. 21 6PM (KST) #ComingSoon Subscribe and turn on your #notifs! 👉 lin.ee/enG6jIT/hntj #WhoAreYou #BaseCamp #BT21_ORIGINAL_STORY #ANIMATION #BT21
One rainy morning, #CHIMMY encounters a tiny critter. Enjoying each other's company, CHIMMY stayed... for quite some time. Listen to it on ASMR. 👉 lin.ee/UOCjeMa/hntj#RainyGardenASMR #MorningRain #ASMR #ToStudyWorkMeditateSleepTo #SoundOfRain #BaseCamp #BT21
Just another busy day at BT21 base! 😙 Wonder what #UNISTARS are doing? ⠀ #Daily #life #Hobby #Peaceful #BaseCamp #BT21
The road to becoming a UNIVERSTAR isn't easy during quarantine… They're keeping up their good spirits though!💪 The next season of #BT21_UNIVERSE, TOMORROW #Apr16 Subscribe to #BT21’s Youtube channel for the latest! lin.ee/41vYKXl/adtu #Season3 #FirstEpisode #BaseCamp