This is a cute little succulent. Do you have a companion plant you're living with? It certainly feels like a positive change, small or big, comes along when living with a life! Let's cheer up while watching [plant] friends indoor! #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
黒髪少年団は泣いた😭😭 #BTS #BTS_OF_THE_DAY
ARMYs, here’s the perm back again What hairstyle are ARMYs wearing today? #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
ARMYS, did you vote today? I did early voting with the members huhu* ARMYs, you too try quickly finishing the voting and idly rolling around It will make you happy #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY * Korea is holding a legislative election today twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
puppy with lazism* is love💜 playing with a pet** today! #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY #JIMIN twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
I recommend this song as it seems to be one that is good to sit and listen to alone! You’ve worked hard today as well #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY FAIR GAME - Wednesday Afternoon open.spotify.com/track/5ab9R4Pe… twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
theeese dayyys!! armys too take a look at flowers and the sky! #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
Today’s o-ot!! ti-tiding* (OOTD**) I wonder what ARMYs are doing~~~~ #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY ** Outfit Of The Day * 옷 [pronounced ot] means outfit. It could be read as (1) “Todays O-Ot-Ti-Ding (cute pronunciation of OOTD)” or (2) “Today’s outfit!! Ti-ding (like Ta-da)” twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…