원래 지난 달에 쓰려고 했던 글인데 좀 늦게서야 썼습니다. 인용한 @BTSEnterHere님을 비롯 여러 아미님들의 문제제기를 잘 담아 한 번은 꼭 짚고 넘어가야지 했던 문제를 써봤습니다. We will fight against prejudices while listening to #BTS_BUTTER by @BTS_twt m.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/A202…
아까 5시간 릴레이 회의 중 6시에 잠깐 댓댓을 봤는데, 우리 윤기 정말 어디에든 다 잘 어울려서 내내 비실비실 웃으며 봤다. 근데 유독 더 세젤남으로 보여서 싸이씨에게 감사했다. 😆 But when I finish my all day work, I always listen to #BTS_BUTTER by @BTS_twt
[FNS MASS VOTING ANNOUNCEMENT] Please join our next mass voting session, to protect the lead and widen the gap 🔥 Mass Voting Party - 1PM KST 🔹 Watch 20 Ads 🔹 Complete Daily Task 🔹 Collect Minimum Of 200 ⭐ RT TO SPREAD 🔄 #BTS #BTS_BUTTER @BTS_twt
Our Top Trending Song Choice goes to #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  (@BTS_twt)
#BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  is my Trending Song Choice @BTS_twt !
誰が何と言ってもBTSが最高です。 世界の人々が舞台を観て分かったはず😌 今日は本当にお疲れ様でした。 これからもずっと愛し続ける! サランヘウリバンタン😭😭😭 #YouGotThisBTS #GrammyAwards #BTS_BUTTER #BTS #BTSxGrammys @BTS_twt
Proud of you @BTS_twt tonight's performance was iconic WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU ALWAYS 💜 #BTS_BUTTER #GotARMYRightBehindYou
もうすぐ出国するのかな〜。 グラミーからベガスコンまで 🇺🇸滞在長くなるね。 —— I vote for #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  as the Trending Song of Billboard (@BTS_twt)
春🌸とは思えない寒さだね💦 節電しながら上手く暖房 使って行こーう(´∇`) 出国*⋆✈近いね バンタン💜の安全と幸せ💞🙏 美しいJIMINちゃん💓🥺 RT1票🐥 —— I vote for #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  as the Trending Song of Billboard (@BTS_twt)
こんな目で見られたら…😇 最近ホント語彙力なくて… 好き💜しか出てこない(^^;; 🐥RT1票💛 —— I vote for #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  as the Trending Song of Billboard (@BTS_twt)
好きすぎて参った…😮‍💨💜 一生見てられる… 🐥RT1票💛 —— I vote for #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  as the Trending Song of Billboard (@BTS_twt)
これから毎日billboard投票します✨ 皆さんご協力お願いします‼︎ ARMYに出来る、応援の1つ📣 🗳RT=1票🗳 リプ欄も使ってね! (コピペもどうぞ) —— My vote for Billboard Trending Song goes to #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS  (@BTS_twt)
こちらが危ないみたいです😭😭 RTお願いします😭😭🙇‍♀️ My favorite song #BTS_BUTTER is the best song ever by @BTS_twt Listen to the No.1 song #Butter 🧈
ビルボード2位の方がかなり追い上げて来ているみたいなのでタグ🏷付けます📣📣 My favorite song #BTS_BUTTER is the best song ever by @BTS_twt Listen to the No.1 song #Butter
いやこれすごない?😳 Not Today とIdolをミックスしてる…! こんなことできる少年、ジミンちゃん以外にもいるのね😳 マーシャルアーツ披露したり中盤で片足上げてまわる目立ってる少年、ちょいちょい髪の毛かき上げるんだけど🤣誰のマネですかー!🤣 #5YearsWithNotToday #BTS_BUTTER
그동안 제가 트위터도 못왔어요. 많은 일들이 있었어요. 투표도 못하고 ㅠㅠ 아미들 고생 하시는데 동참도 못해서 너무 미안했어요. ㅠㅠ 선배 언니의 "인생의 의미"에 대한 좋은 글 공유할 겸 쓱 다시 왔어요 😊 I'm listening to #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS now. @BTS_twt inmun360.culture.go.kr/content/357.do…
you're not you when you're not listening to #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS @BTS_twt 🧈💕 twitter.com/BTStranslation…
hungry???? listen to #BTS_BUTTER by #BTS or @BTS_twt to get fed 🧈
🆘 ARMY, URGENT NOTICE 🆘 Please gift your extra hearts to « c4nwc » now! FIGHT BACK FOR #BTS_BUTTER! #Butter #BTS
.@BTS_twt has 64 DAESANGS now extending their record with most daesang in history. 🏆🏆 #BTS_BUTTER #BUTTER #BTS
Taehyung’s butter album photocard ( cream version ) #BTS_BUTTER #PermissiontoDance
[장덕천의 BUTTER] BTS처럼 해봤습니다. 제 아바타입니다. 연구중… #BTS_BUTTER gweb.zepeto.io/user/post/2338…
Congratulations!!!! 🎉🎉🎉😭😭😭 와 2주째 핫백 1위를 결국 또 해냈어!!! 미국 아미들 정말 정말 감사합니다. 너무 고생하셨어요. 그 수고 우리가 알아요. 😭😭😭😭😭 #Butter2ndNo1onHot100 #BTS_BUTTER @BTS_twt twitter.com/billboardchart…