✨あなたの好きなハロプロの曲を大募集✨ 好きな理由を添えて応募すると、ハロプロ20周年の特別ラジオ番組📻Backstage café「西山宏太朗とぱいぱいでか美のハロプロナイト!」で紹介されるかも😍ハロプロファンは要チェック👀 詳しくは👉kddi-l.jp/wT9 #ハロプロ #20周年 #BSC #うたパス
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[パンケーキ分配3日目🥞] 本日も、もうしばらくで$CAKE 1,000枚焼き上がるので分配します。 100cake🥞 × 10人(総額約115,000円) 応募方法はフォロー & RT @n_yamada10 締め切りは本日21時 昨日の当選率は約10/700でした! BSCウォレットのご用意を。 #pancakeswap #BSC
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[パンケーキ分配4日目🥞] 100cake × 10人(総額約125,000円) 応募方法はフォロー & このツイートをRT @n_yamada10 締切21時 (DM締切22時) 昨日は約10/750でした! 今日からは条件を少し厳し目にし、 空っぽのBSCウォレットの方はNGにします! 逆にその分、当選確率UPです! #pancakeswap #BSC
ガチで配るので、当選者の方はコメントや証拠画像を貼ってくれると嬉しいです😁 #pancakeswap #DeFi #BSC #Binance #SmartChain #仮想通貨 #お金欲しい #お金配り  #お金配りで日本を元気に #お金配りおじさん
合計三億円を配布するまで 企画は継続しますので、 どしどしご応募ください😊 #pancakeswap #DeFi #BSC #Binance #SmartChain #仮想通貨 #お金欲しい #お金配り  #お金配りで日本を元気に #お金配りおじさん
ガチで配っているので 着金確認がとれた方は、 当選ツイート等にご協力ください😊 #pancakeswap #DeFi #BSC #Binance #SmartChain #仮想通貨 #お金欲しい #お金配り  #お金配りで日本を元気に #お金配りおじさん
(上の投稿にツイートを追加) ⚠️当選後48時間以内に連絡が無い場合は再抽選となります🙇 期間内に参加条件を満たした方を対象に抽選します。 #pancakeswap #DeFi #BSC #Binance  #SmartChain #仮想通貨 #お金欲しい #お金配り  #お金配りで日本を元気に  #お金配りおじさん
今回は10名に10万円です! 1万円じゃないですよ。2度目のリツート歓迎します。 更に、引用リツートで、以下のハッシュタグを添えて頂いた方は・・・・ #お金配り #お金配りで日本を元気に #お金配りおじさん #Defi #仮想通貨 #pancake #pancakeswap #BSC #BinanceSmartChain #お金贈り
Join はたの ゆい's first #NFT event on #BSC for mysterious gift! 10 selected randomly 1⃣ RT& Tag 3 honest friends, follow @nftobaby 2⃣ Fill: forms.gle/7sY1on5BGH2VBR… 3⃣@hatano_yui will host Live streaming on Apr 27th & announce the winners. ⏰: 23rd APR - 8 PM, UTC+8, 25th APR
@binance #BANANA from ApeSwap ❤️🍌 We have a strong community, over $500,000,000 in TVL on our #DEX, and we're dedicated to growing the #BinanceSmartChain Ecosystem 🐵 #BSC
🎉We are thrilled to announce that Pinks will join #Treasureland! He will release his first #NFT artwork “ to the moon” and more #Doge series work. 1️⃣ RT & Follow & Like 2️⃣ 3 ppl will win 100 $DOGE #DOGEill: forms.gle/EJyQFGpgrUEroS… End: May 10th #BSC @nftobaby @BigLeonOne
.@elonmusk’s mom using #BSC. 👍👍👍 twitter.com/mayemusk/statu…
Even #BSC is seeing congestions. Not dodging responsibility, and as much as people (wrongly) give me credit for it, I am not that involved with #BSC dev. I do know all the guys who are are actively working on it. Teething problems.
Even #BSC is seeing congestions. Not dodging responsibility, and as much as people (wrongly) give me credit for it, I am not that involved with #BSC dev. I do know all the guys who are are actively working on it. Teething problems.
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【NAFTプレゼントキャンペーン🎁】 アプリが出たらフォロワーになって欲しいのでRTとフォローした人の中から30名様に100NAFT配ります✨ 応募条件 ・このツイートをRT ・@mari_coins をフォロー ・NAFTのアプリが出たら私をフォロー笑 締め切り 21日まで♡ 少なくてごめんね🙇‍♀️#NAFTRRR#NAFTFT #BSC
Hey #Binance community, let's ignore all the noise, and stay focused on building things people use. #BNB #BSC
#BSC handling 12m tx per day. That's about 8x of #ETH. Note #ETH volume didn't drop, #BSC just handle 8x more people that wasn't able to afford it. More inclusion.
#BSC handling 12m tx per day. That's about 8x of #ETH. Note #ETH volume didn't drop, #BSC just handle 8x more people that wasn't able to afford it. More inclusion.
I liked some tweet of projects on #BSC, it turned out to be a scam project. Unliked it. My likes are random and not endorsements.
Apes, we're excited to be partnering with @Moonlight_bsc, a much needed notification service in the #BSC space 🌙🐵 What to expect on May 22nd 17:00 UTC: #GNANAANA pool with $125,000 in MOONLIGHT rewards#BNB$BNB - MOONLIGHT farm, earn#BANANANANA 🤝 Continued collaborations
For any person/projects/tweets I retweet/like/comment/follow, even or especially the ones on #BSC, are not endorsements. If any projects claim as such, treat them as scammers. Stay #SAFU. 🙏
Compliance solutions jumping on #BSC. » CipherTrace Adds Analytics Support for Binance Smart Chain finance.yahoo.com/news/ciphertra…
Did you know that ApeSwap has already collaborated with over 70 projects in the #BSC space?! 🤯 We like to refer to this big happy family as "The #ApeSwap Jungle" 🌴🥥🐵 Check them all out below 👇 And tag who you think should join us in The Jungle next! ❤️🐒