여러분🙌🏻 #부산국제영화제 에서의 NiziU의 퍼포먼스는 어떠셨나요⁉️ 세계적으로 알려진 영화제에서 존경하는 아티스트, 배우분들과 같은 무대에 설 수 있게되어 정말 큰 영광이었습니다🥺 직접 찾아와주신 WithU 여러분들도 응원해주셔서 정말 감사합니다✨ #BIFF #BIFF2022 #ACA #NiziU #WithU
[#NiziU_CAM] 27th Busan International Film Festival 4th Asia Contents Awards Behind📸 #BIFF #BIFF2022 #ACA #NiziU #WithU
釜山国際映画祭『アジアコンテンツアワーズ(Asia Contents Awards)』出演決定🎊 2022.10.8(土)開催、2022 アジアコンテンツアワーズ (Asia Contents Awards)よりWithUの皆様をご招待します。 詳細は下記よりご確認ください。 🔗niziu.com/s/n123/page/ne… #NiziU #WithU #BIFF #BIFF2022
곧 NiziU가 #부산국제영화제 2022 아시아 콘텐츠 어워즈에 출연합니다✨ 국제적인 영화제의 축하공연에 처음으로 초대받아서 많이 긴장되지만 NiziU를 좀 더 많은분들께 알릴 수 있도록 좋은 무대 보여드리겠습니다✨ 꼭 지켜봐주시고 많은 응원 부탁드립니다🥺 #BIFF #BIFF2022 #NiziU #WithU
このあとNiziUが #釜山国際映画祭 2022 アジアコンテンツアワーズに出演いたします✨ 国際的な映画祭の祝賀公演に呼んでいただいたのは初めてでとても緊張しますが #NiziU のことをたくさんの方に知ってもらえるよう精一杯頑張りますので見届けていただけると嬉しいです🥺 #BIFF #BIFF2022 #WithU
NiziU will make an appearance at the Asia Contents Awards 2022 today at the Busan International Film Festival✨ This is their first invite to an international film event and they’re both nervous and excited! Please send #NiziU your love for a successful performance💕 #BIFF2022
Hi everyone🙌🏻 How was our performance at #BIFF2022 ⁉️ It was an honor to be able to stand on the same stage as artists and actors we respect at such a world famous film festival🥺 Thank you to all WithU that supported and cheered us on✨ #BIFF #ACA #NiziU #WithU
ミイヒちゃんの「聞こえる?」にマユカが首を横に振ってるように見える🥲 #BIFF2022 #ACA #NiziU #MIIHI #MAYUKA
🆕📲\#NiziU / ✔︎📍 #釜山国際映画祭 でパフォーマンスを披露🔥 衣装もカッコよかったです😎 #BIFF2022 #BIFF 記事 ⏬ nikkansports.com/m/entertainmen…
#부산국제영화제『아시아 콘텐츠 어워즈 (Asia Contents Awards)』출연 결정🎊 2022.10.8(토)에 개최되는 2022 아시아 콘텐츠 어워즈 (Asia Contents Awards)에서 WithU여러분을 초대합니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 링크에서 확인 부탁드립니다. 🔗niziu.com/s/n123/page/ne… #NiziU #WithU #BIFF2022
[UPDATE] 221012 #DREAM starring #LeeJieun and Park Seo Joon featured in the lineup of future Korean films by Megabox Plus M at the #BIFF2022 #IU n.news.naver.com/entertain/arti…
[LIVE] 221008 #LeeJieun at the <#BROKER> Open Talk with Hirokazu Koreeda & Lee Jooyoung 💬 #IU: “It’s all new & fun for me, a #BIFF2022 rookie, to chat about the movie here w/ my team & the audience. Will look forward to today’s schedule too.” 📺 navernow.onelink.me/o5cK/jqgpgddl
[TRANS] 221007 #LeeJieun for #BROKER Guest Visit (GV) at the #BIFF2022 #IU: "I came to Busan w/ excitement as it's been awhile since I had a schedule w/ team Broker. Felt so good to meet & greet the team in person & the audience right after." Source: Osen, ptbJARURi6lb3Xy
[SCHEDULE] The 27th BUSAN International Film Festival #BIFF2022 <#BROKER> Open Talk 🗓 October 8, 12PM~12:50PM KST 👨‍👧‍👧 with Hirokazu Koreeda, #LeeJieun (#IU), and Lee Joo Young Livestream 📺 now.naver.com/l/1731998
정말 환상같았다.. 剣の柄からルビーをこの瞳からサファイアを 鉛の心臓はただ傍に置いて #BIFF2022 #セカコイ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
밋치영화 보고 왔어요🥹🫶 야외극장 스크린 바로 앞까지 좌석 꽉차서 넘 뿌듯했음 ..(?) 내새끼 너무 장해 😭💖 #道枝駿佑 #부국제 #BIFF2022 #セカコイ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
NiziU『アジアコンテンツアワード』でフレッシュな輝き放つ❗プレゼンターのMAKOは流ちょうな韓国語披露し話題🌈 🎧 授賞式では2曲披露✨ oricon.co.jp/news/2252435/?… #NiziU #ニジュー #アジアコンテンツアワーズ #ACA #ACA2022 #BIFF2022 @NiziU__official
【PHOTO】2PM テギョン「第27回釜山国際映画祭」開幕式のレッドカーペットに登場 news.kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar… #テギョン #2PM #釜山国際映画祭 #BIFF2022
우리밋치! 나도사랑해요 💗 #BIFF2022 #セカコイ #道枝駿佑
[UPDATE] 221008 #LeeJieun for #BROKER Guest Visit (GV) #2 at the #BIFF2022 📸 cr. Selfiepod_IU
[ENG SUB] 221008 <#BROKER> Open Talk with Hirokazu Koreeda, #LeeJieun (#IU), and Lee Jooyoung at the #BIFF2022 ▶️ youtu.be/hg17fglLDLI
[INFO] #BROKER by Hirokazu Koreeda to be screened at the 27th Busan International Film Festival 🗓 5 ~ 14 October 2022 The film stars Song Kang Ho, Gang Dong Won, Bae Doona, #LeeJiEun (#IU), and Lee Joo Young 🔗 biff.kr/kor/html/progr… #BIFF2022
#第27回釜山国際映画祭 #ある男 クロージング作品に決定🎉 \ 映画『ある男』が、 アジア最大の映画祭とも言われる、釜山国際映画祭のクロージング作品に決定!!🎊 ヴェネチアに続き嬉しいお知らせです…☺️ #映画ある男 #BIFF2022 movies.shochiku.co.jp/a-man/news/220…
[SCHEDULE] The 27th BUSAN International Film Festival #BIFF2022 <#BROKER> Guest Visit (*GV) 🗓 10/7, 7:30pm KST 🗓 10/8, 7pm KST *Where the director, cast & film critic discuss about the movie & have a post-screening Q&A session with the audience. #IU naver.me/xtHXrk56