I vote @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial, RT to vote too! おはようございます! RTで1票です😃 よろしくお願いします! いいね、では1票になりません💦
I'm voting for @pledis_17 for #BBMAsTopSocial
트윗 투표에 대해 많은 캐럿들께서 잘못 알고 계신 것 같아서 말씀드립니다. ✖ @bbmastopsocial#BBMAs#BBMAsTopSocial @pledis_17 (2개 모두 필수!) 한 트윗 당 최대 해시태그 두 개까지만 사용해 주세요. 그 이상으로 쓰시면 스팸 처리될 수 있습니다.
Did it work? 👀 Don't forget to vote for BTS on BBMAs 🥰 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial 💜
今はARMYに会えないバンタンが、いつも、たくさん愛されているのだと実感することができるように。 RTでも1票です💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial
I’m voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial
< BBMAs 2021: Top Social Artist > 📆05/11 — 4:02am KST 1. BTS → 3.7M+ 2. → 634K+ 3. → 597K+ 4. → 364K+ 5. → 13K+ Gap from 2nd place: 3M+ ↗️ #BBMAsTopSocial + @BTS_twt Website: billboard.com/bbmasvote
'톱 소셜 아티스트' 투표 방법 2: 트위터 ✅프로필 공개 설정 (필수!) ✅하루 최대 트윗 투표 10번 가능 ✅#BBMAsTopSocial @pledis_17 (필수!) ✅위 필수 요소 포함한 트윗 알티도 투표로 계산됨 ✅1알티 = 1투표 ❎모욕적/명예훼손/음란적인 언어 또는 이미지
'톱 소셜 아티스트' 투표 방법 1: 빌보드 웹사이트 ➡ billboard.com/p/bbmasvote/ #BBMAsTopSocial @pledis_17
If you think we will win this with twitter votes alone, then please think again. Reminder that you can only vote 10 times (including RTs) on twitter. That is why we urge people to vote on the website too. #BBMAsTopSocial + @BTS_twt Website: billboard.com/bbmasvote
Website is an important voting platform so use all of the accounts you have. Don’t rely on twitter votes only. We need massive votes on the website as well to win this. #BBMAsTopSocial + @BTS_twt Website: billboard.com/bbmasvote
i’m voting for @pledis_17 for #BBMAsTopSocial. RT to vote too!
BBMAs voting update 1. BTS: 3,150,585 2. **: 536,223 I'm voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial
< BBMAs 2021: Top Social Artist > 📆05/11 — 2:33am KST 1. BTS → 3M+ 2. → 532K+ 3. → 470K+ 4. → 321K+ 5. → 9K+ Gap from 2nd place: 2.4M+ ↗️ #BBMAsTopSocial + @BTS_twt Website: billboard.com/bbmasvote
I’m voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial
MTV awards voting for “Best Music Documentary” is now open on MTV’s Instagram stories, voting closes in 24 hrs.‼️ 🔗(instagram.com/stories/mtv/25…) #BBMAsTopSocial @BTS_twt
🗳️Billboard Music Awards 2021 5/24 午前9時開催🇯🇵時間 投票期間~5/22 15時59分まで 投票は TOP SOCIAL ARTISTのみ Twitter RTも1票 #BBMAsTopSocial @BTS_twt サイト 🔗billboard.com/bbmasvote FBかTwitterでログイン VOTE AGAINで繰り返し ともに1日10票まで‼️ Butter Dynamite Film out BTS
BTS has passed 2.4 MILLION votes on Twitter! I'm voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial
< BBMAs 2021: Top Social Artist > 📆05/11 — 2am KST 1. BTS → 2.4M+ 2. → 441K+ Gap: 1.9M+ 🔥 #BBMAsTopSocial + @BTS_twt Website: billboard.com/bbmasvote
I'm voting for @pledis_17 for #BBMAsTopSocial. RT to vote too!
What's melting? V-ARMY are melting with @BTS_twt at #BBMAsTopSocial
vote in the website too! 10 times per day per account! I just voted for @BLACKPINK for #BBMAsTopSocial billboard.com/bbmasvote
Spring Day and DNA are voting for @BTS_twt at BBMAs #BBMAsTopSocial
I’m voting for @BTS_twt for #BBMAsTopSocial