We are deeply grateful and honored to see Hades nominated for nine (!!!) #BAFTAGames award categories, including Game Design, Artistic Achievement, Music, Narrative, Original Property, and Best Game!! Thank you so much to the judges, and congratulations to all the nominees! twitter.com/BAFTAGames/sta…
㊗英国アカデミー賞のゲーム部門にて、PS5™『Returnal』がベストゲーム賞、音楽賞、音響功績賞、最優秀主演賞(主人公の声優を務めたジェーン・ペリー)を受賞🏆 PS5『ラチェット&クランク パラレル・トラブル』がアニメーション賞と技術功績賞を受賞しました🎉ありがとうございます! #BAFTAGames
The #BAFTAGames Awards start SOON (12pm PT), and HADES is in the running in multiple categories!! Our game is on sale for 20% off for the occasion: 🏆Steam - supergiant.games/hadessteam 🏆Epic Games Store - supergiant.games/hadesegs Also here's a #BAFTAGames blast from the past!
The #BAFTAGames Awards start SOON (12pm PT), and HADES is in the running in multiple categories!! Our game is on sale for 20% off for the occasion: 🏆Steam - supergiant.games/hadessteam 🏆Epic Games Store - supergiant.games/hadesegs Also here's a #BAFTAGames blast from the past!
Congratulations @harrytkrueger @Housemarque, you did it!!! #BAFTAGames Best Game Award :D
Congratulations all winners and nominees at #BAFTAGames Awards @hermenhulst
Congratulations @Housemarque @Sony_XDEV on winning #BAFTAGames award for Audio!
昨夜ヴァーチャルで開催された2021 BAFTA Game Awardsの小島監督のスピーチはこちらのリンクの26:58くらいから観ることができます! 受賞された作品の皆様おめでとうございます! #BAFTAGames youtube.com/watch?v=H-ULXi…