Goods news from #mariupol God speed to the remaining Ukrainian defenders of #AzovstaI twitter.com/AnaCabrera/sta…
Mariupol still stands! May 10. They are all heroes! Fortress is a good term for #AzovstaI they are legend #Mariupol #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/…
"...this continuing resistance forced Russia into keeping at least 10 battalion tactical groups away from other critical axes of attack against Ukraine – nearly 10% of the whole Russian force invading Ukraine." @IAPonomarenko #Mariupol #AzovstaI legends! kyivindependent.com/national/azovs…
The #AzovstaI defenders in #Marioupol did the impossible. They tied down insane number of Russians, they saved countless lives. They are legends and I’m hopeful there was a deal for their assured safety. Already one of the most remarkable urban & underground battles in history. twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/…