🔥 500M TRANSACTIONS 🔥 Avalanche has reached another major milestone, processing 500M total transactions since launch, with near-instant finality! #AvalancheStandsApart Source: stats.avax.network
The unique design of Subnets allows any dApp to scale and deploy on its own chain, with complete customizations and rulesets. This open canvas gives builders more options to create the way they want. #AvalancheStandsApart Get started building 🛠💪 docs.avax.network/subnets
ICYMI, Alibaba chooses Avalanche as their first blockchain partner 💪 #AvalancheStandsApart twitter.com/kevinsekniqi/s…
Sub-second transaction finality is paramount to the success of DeFi dApps. Slow transaction finality means that value is at risk. This is why DeFi innovation is happening on Avalanche. #AvalancheStandsApart
In the last few months, Avalanche experienced all time highs with monthly transactions exceeding 68 million (Sept. 2022) and total transactions exceeding 450 million. dApp users can enjoy the fastest, most reliable Web3 experience thanks to Avalanche. #AvalancheStandsApart