Oblique view of Grand #Canyon. #Arizona, USA. #グランドキャニオン、斜めから見下ろすのはなかなか珍しい。#アリゾナ 側から。
A pleasure to sit down with #Arizona Governor & friend of Taiwan @DougDucey. The future looks bright for our collaboration, as the #Taiwan-#US partnership continues to deepen & construction on the new TSMC chip fabrication plant in Arizona moves steadily ahead.
アリゾナ州再集計で民主党がパニック 大統領選の票の数え直しが数週間以内に結果が出る。この記事では、民主党は必死で止めようとしたが失敗、そこで世間の目を逸らすためFBIにジュリアーニの捜査をさせた。ハンター・バイデンの捜査すべきなのに。 welovetrump.com/2021/04/29/pan… #Arizona #audit #doj
#世界大会 いよいよ出発です。 #HHI #WORLD HIPHOP CHMPIONSHIP #NO1 #Arizona #みんなの願い #KANA-BOON! #NEXT Jr #ONIGIRI #team HANA!
A hearty #Taiwan🇹🇼 welcome to Governor @DougDucey of the #US🇺🇸 state of #Arizona! We wish him & his delegation a fulfilling 3-day visit & look forward to working closely with the Grand Canyon State in building an economy of the future.
Minister Wu & Governor @DougDucey had cutting-edge topics on their agenda. Talks spanned investment, academic exchange & #SupplyChainSecurity. Our ties with #Arizona are on fast forward with the planned opening of the #US🇺🇸 state's first foreign trade office in #Taiwan🇹🇼.
#Santa has made his way to the West Coast and was just seen flying over #Phoenix, #Arizona. What to know where he is headed next, call us at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
Visit #Arizona if you want to see the REAL meteorite impact #crater! 百聞は一見に如かず。アリゾナにある直径1.5kmのバリンジャー隕石孔。 twitpic.com/c4i202