My brand new original song is up in instrumental form with a beautiful music video available at… Happy Anniversary! #Archivist404
There was always something peaceful about serving drinks. The loners in the bar all had the same eyes. We belonged to a silent club. One who could only ever show our true selves through fleeting glances. Those who dared to stand out didn't last long Art: @FengMoLing #Archivist404
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow... It was always going to be tomorrow. Tomorrow I'd work to make my dreams come true. Tomorrow I'd undo today's mistakes. Tomorrow I would reveal who I really was to the world. That's how all my years drifted by. #Archivist404 art: @FengMoLing
The older I get, the hazier those childhood memories become. Perhaps because they seem so bright compared to the dull and dreary present. There were no pretenses then. Unapologetically human. I didn't understand the world yet. The shackles of society. #Archivist404 Art: @4Shifeng
One of the things I used to love as an archivist was reading to the kids. They stopped showing up when fantasy was deemed deviant as a whole... Art: @FengMoLing #Archivist404