마크 3년 전에 정글 갔다온거 실화냐 ㅠㅠ #GOT7 #갓세븐 #Mark #마크 #マーク #段宜恩 @mtuan93 @DorineTuan @linbea945 #AprilFoolsDay #Aprilfoolsday2020
The April Fool's joke is entirely cleared according to the evidence found by the detective. Robbie admitted his mischief because he was lonely and wanted to be noticed. Let us hold you, my poor boy! So you guys guess right? #Aprilfoolsday2020 #IdentityV
アニメ「3itches」本日25時から放送!!! #エイプリルフール #Aprilfoolsday2020
Dear Detectives, When our lovely characters woke up in the morning on April Fool's Day, they found out that their faces are painted by someone. Guess who is the naughty suspect and leave your guess in the comment below! #Aprilfoolsday2020 #IdentityV