On the likes re-tweets and the vast, vast majority of replies here Mahendra - we are all - doing the best we can to nail it And we will prevail twitter.com/_MahendraSingh… #Anonymous 🌎 🌍 🌏
The hacking will continue until Russia stops their aggression. #OpRussia #Anonymous
Mr Putin ! Are you paying attention ? #Anonymous incoming ! #ukraine - We cannot forgive you of your actions and the recent atrocity in #Mariupol Pay Attention !
There are a number of accounts in the name of #Anonymous, making false promises and asking for your money. We do not ask for Money! For that we have #OpFakeAnons. An operation created in order to expose and warn you not to be deceived. PLEASE REPORT THEM USING THAT TAG !
Another hack targeting Russia 😁 250,000 emails from Russia's Department of Education of the Strezhevoy City District Administration (221 GB) You can find it on the #DDoSecrets website. #Anonymous #OpRussia
Putin humiliated via #Anonymous: 400,000 secret files leaked as hackers vow to end Ukraine aggression. express.co.uk/news/science/1…
Today, #Anonymous hacked 495,000 emails from the Russian firm Technotec, which provides oil and gas field services to companies including Rosneft and Gazprom Neft. The data can be found on #DDoSecrets This hack is part of our ongoing operation against the Russian government.
First story out of Russia concerning the #Anonymous hack of Roskomnadzor / Роскомнадзор twitter.com/NatSecGeek/sta…
We don't always turn up the tunes when we open another #DDoSecrets Russia data tranche - but when we do? -> @TheLuckChops 🎺🎷 #Rosneft #Gazprom #Anonymous
#Anonymous to Putin: “Your secrets may no longer be safe and there is a chance that key components of your government’s infrastructure could be hijacked.” express.co.uk/news/world/159…
Breaking news: #Anonymous hacked 768,000 emails from Gazprom Linde Engineering. Their clients include Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Linde, Novatek, Tatneft, China National Chemical Engineering. The leak is available on #DDoSecrets #OpRussia
oops ! #Anonymous “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“ mirror.co.uk/news/world-new…
( vote like your very lives depended upon it ) #Anonymous #MidTerms2022
If you want to become part of the resistance, make yourself a community and adopt the ways of #Anonymous When we are decentralized, there's no single point of failure. You may get rid of one of us, but you can't get rid of us all.
#Anonymous #OpRussia continues and it is the largest global hacktivist attack on a state in history. We stand with the people of Ukraine! We will not let up in our attacks until Putin withdraws Russian forces from Ukraine!
Have a Happy 420 #Anonymous
#Anonymous hacked 825,000 emails from a Russian investment firm and a Russian property management firm, a combined 560 GB. The data is available on #DDoSecrets #OpRussia twitter.com/NatSecGeek/sta…
The hacking will continue until Russia stops their aggression. #Anonymous
New release: #Anonymous hacked 365,000 emails from the Russian real-estate investment firm Accent Capital. The documents are available on the #DDoSecrets website
Do NOT file garbage reports here. That would be awful! Do not create needless work for fascists! #Anonymous twitter.com/meduza_en/stat…
Votez comme si votre vie en dépendait - cela pourrait un jour #Anonymous #presidentielles2022
We're not a reactionary political account. We've called for Bush to face a trial at the Hague from day one. We don't consider Putin any different. If you believe in justice, this needs to happen. Otherwise, you simply believe in power. F*ck corrupt power. STAND UP! #Anonymous
NEW: #Anonymous hacked nearly 1.1 million emails (1.1 TB of data) from ALET, a Russian customs broker for companies in the fuel and energy industries, handling exports and customs declarations for coal, crude oil, liquefied gases and petroleum products. twitter.com/NatSecGeek/sta…
🇦🇹 Null Fehler gefunden ( cc: @karlnehammer ) #Anonymous 🇺🇦 https://t.co/ehZGaZfaHk