#Anonymous has always been against war, and against colonialism. We've seen how unfettered power decimates the weak, only having its own self interests in mind. We stand with the people, not the governments of the world. Anonymous condemns the attacks on the Ukrainian people.
Today, #Anonymous hacked 495,000 emails from the Russian firm Technotec, which provides oil and gas field services to companies including Rosneft and Gazprom Neft. The data can be found on #DDoSecrets This hack is part of our ongoing operation against the Russian government.
There are many #Anonymous accounts gearing up for action against the imperialist state of Russia, and we will be retweeting their endeavors.
Be Free. #Anonymous
The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization was hacked! #Anonymous #OpIran‌‌
درود بر مردم شریف ایران، ما قبلا هم هشدار دادیم که امارت متهده ی عربی نباید اجازه بدهد شرکت آروان کلواد که با ایران در زمینه ی سانسور اینترنت همکاری میکند، در آنجا فعالیت داشته باشد و هشدار دادیم که به حقوق بشر احترام بگذارد. #OPUAE #OpIran #Anonymous #UAE_DO_NOT
سایت ایرانیان پرس تی وی دارای 333 لینک بسیار آسیب پذیر است که در حال حاضر در حال بررسی تک تک آنها هستیم. #OpIran #Anonymous
🔴🔴Music Video🔴🔴 Shingo Katori @ktrsngofficial Anonymous(feat.WONK) Written by WONK, Shingo #香取慎吾 #WONK #Anonymous #アノニマス ▼Music Video on YouTube
#Anonymous Takes Anti-Putin Battle To Russian People With Printer Attack To Disrupt Kremlin's Propaganda #OpRussia ibtimes.com/anonymous-take…
جمهوری اسلامی وامانده و درمانده! #OpIran‌‌ #Anonymous
🇱🇰 Long story short? Gotabaya Rajapaksha ( Bankster Patriarch of Sri Lanka's defacto ruling family ) has finally unified the Country - by asset stripping it, mortgaging the Silverware and now declaring a State of Emergency - #Anonymous #SriLankaEconomicCrisis #GoHomeGota 🎭 twitter.com/firstpost/stat…
Yesterday ddosecrets . com released hacked information from the Central Bank of Russia from Anonymous. #Anonymous #OperationRussia will continue its cyber war on Russia until they leave Ukraine. #SlavaUkraini Link (remove *): https://ddosecrets*.com/wiki/Central_Bank_of_Russia
#TangoDown. Due to ongoing work TV IRIB and subs are sporadically down in various areas in #iran - Kerman / Esfahan - As a result of direct targeting of Zikebenar TV and Milan control. #Anonymous #OpIran
#Anonymous has taken down 300+ #Russian media and bank websites in the last 48hrs. Anonymous' war with Putin's Russia will continue. #UkraineRussiaWar #StopRussia #SlavaUkraine Read:yac.news/blogs/news/ano… youtube.com/watch?v=uDsQYx…
#Anonymous has been busy, today hackers released 140,000 emails from Russian firm MashOil, which designs, manufactures and maintains drilling, mining and fracking equipment The hacks will continue until Russia stops their aggression. Expect us #OpRussia twitter.com/NatSecGeek/sta…
"What can I do to help?" You can: *E-mail random Russians: mail2ru.org & mail.1920.in *Text random Russians: 1920.in *WhatsApp random Russians wa.1920.in Inform the people of Russia about Ukraine! You are #Anonymous
"Behind Enemy Lines" Russian camera dump brought to you by #Anonymous behindenemylines.live
مردم نباید از دولت خود بترسند. دولت ها باید از مردم خود بترسند. #5November #Anonymous
The #Anonymous collective continues cyber operation against the Iranian government. #OpIran
حملات #Anonymous ادامه دارد .
What the world needs is peace, but we cannot have peace when there is so much suffering. We will not give up the fight for a better world. We always will stand by the oppressed and fight the good fight. #Anonymous
Until there is peace in the world, until humanity evolves past hurting each other, people like us will exist. #Anonymous twitter.com/Techworm_in/st…
黑客组织出手了! 名为“#匿名#Anonymous)”的国际黑客组织周四宣布开展“#白纸运动”,攻击了多个中国政府网站,还黑入了警方监视器,公布了上海国安局长 #黄宝坤 的身份证信息。 rfa.org/mandarin/Xinwe…