"Emma was taken in to the manor where the owner taught her to feed his pets. In the corner laid a hidden breed. She was told to never open the mysterious cage, until the owner was home. She didn't heed him as curiosity got the better of her.." #IdentityV #Gardener #Anniversary
Dear Detectives, Emily's Firefly and Mary's Lady Bella are both coming back! For a limited time only!~ Don't miss out!!👸 #IdentityV #Costumes #Anniversary
My presence must be invigorating to my people as what else would bring hope to their humble lives? On the day I address my people, the sun shone like never before while I exuded irrepressible beauty. I know my people will forever remember this day. #IdentityV #Queen #Anniversary
Galatea my goddess, you'll never have to greed for anything for the rest of your life for we'll forever love you.🥰 #IdentityV #Sculptor #Anniversary
"The new kid on our football team, a weird one who used interesting insults.. He would insult us with food names until one day.. he labeled someone as human... we later found out, he was calling us by what we last ate..." #IdentityV #Forward #Anniversary
Dear Detectives, are you pumped for our 3rd Anniversary?! Stay tune as we bring you exciting events this July!! Don't miss out!!🎉 #IdentityV #Anniversary
It's Andrew's turn to tell his story. It happened on a short trip to a remote village. I witnessed something very strange over the next few days. A ritual? A dark aura? The wrath of God? Everything was unanswered in this plague-stricken village... #IdentityV #Grave #Anniversary
And now Emily will tell her story next.... On what seemed like a harmless internship, I met a sweet girl who picked bright red flowers for her family. Only to realise that she had died the night before. #IdentityV #Doctor #Anniversary
Emma has always been the kindest soul but she will never hesitate to indulge in your fears and throw you into despair! Check out her Monstrous Bird costume!🦚️ #IdentityV #Gardener #Anniversary
Detective.. Who's turn is it to tell their tale of woe? Dark secrets linger beneath those dusty memories... share this burden with us while the candlelight still burns...🕯 #IdentityV #Story #Anniversary
Dear Detectives, take charge as we prepare for a Stormy Night Surprise awaiting us during our 3rd Anniversary Event! Don't miss out!3⃣⛈ #IdentityV #Anniversary #StormyNight
Will you come listen to our tales of woe?... And be prepared to tell your story? Enter the manor and we'll share our stories!📕🕯 #IdentityV #Anniversary #StormyNight
Detectives! Are you ready for our 3rd Anniversary? Be prepared for a Stormy Night Surprise as we bring you a whole host of events!⛈ #IdentityV #Anniversary #StormyNight
Dear Detectives, get ready for our 3rd Anniversary by participating in the warm-up event! Complete tasks to collect wonderful rewards! Event starts on June 24th!3⃣🎉 #IdentityV #3rd #Anniversary
Wow!!! The train to the dress-up party has arrived! Let's dress up for these two popular Characters: Embalmer & Seer. Order $39+ To Enjoy Free Shipping. Click the link to view more! lifease.com/collections/id… #IdentityV #Anniversary
2楽章、完成まで..もう少しなんだけど.. なんか納得いかなくて.. 2nd movement...almost there to complete.. but I'm not convinced yet.. "#CarnegieHall - Piano concerto "#Anniversary" composed by #YOSHIKI #カーネギーホール #ピアノ 協奏曲 アニバーサリー #作曲 youtube.com/watch?v=cZuSIb…
Hey Detectives! We've hit 100K Followers on Twitter! Thank you for your support! To commemorate this amazing milestone, 5 random players will receive a 200USD amazon gift card and10 additional players will receive a special IDV package!🥳️ #IdentityV #100K #Anniversary
『東方神起』日本デビュー16周年おめでとうございます! どの瞬間を見返しても全て掛け替えの無い時間です。 また一緒にステージを作り上げる日が来ることを楽しみにしてます! We are " T " 🔥🔥 youtu.be/Mf_ctECE8KY #東方神起 #TVXQ #16周年 #Anniversary
#Bloodborne #DarkSouls3 #SEKIRO #Anniversary ブラボ、ダクソ3、隻狼まとめて… おめでとうございました‼ いつも楽しませてくれてありがとう…🙏 (サイン入れ忘れました、反応して下さった方申し訳ない…)
When will I perform again? いつステージに戻れるかな Btw I'm composing another Piano Concerto 新曲作曲中.. Xx #YOSHIKI Full ver-> youtube.com/watch?v=cZuSIb… Video pt3 #CarnegieHall - #PianoConcerto #Anniversary composed by YOSHIKI #カーネギーホール #ピアノ協奏曲 #アニバーサリー
Uploaded on my YouTube! アップロードした! Thanx for watching this btw I've been composing another Piano Concerto! 第2弾作曲中! Xx #YOSHIKI -> youtube.com/watch?v=cZuSIb… #CarnegieHall - #PianoConcerto #Anniversary composed by YOSHIKI #カーネギーホール #ピアノ協奏曲 #アニバーサリー
あらためまして! 蒼藍の誓い-ブルーオース-の1周年おめでとうございまぁあす!! 加賀を始めとする喜多村CV担当のキャラが更に愛されます様に…♬ #蒼藍の誓い #ブルーオース #Anniversary #一周年 twitter.com/blueoath/statu…
【1周年】 1st Anniversary まであと 1 日‼️ #蒼藍の誓い #ブルーオース #Anniversary #一周年
He knows what you are up to... and he is scheming. You will not know his true intentions unless he reveals them...🤔 (D.M costume is for the 3rd Anniversary Gift Box) #IdentityV #Anniversary