【NIKKE Illustration】 Check out the illustration of Anne: Miracle Fairy by mmu (@mmu_nkr)! With a bouquet in her hands, she is ready to welcome the Christmas night~ #NIKKE #Anne
【Limited Pick Up Recruitment Notice】 「Anne: Miracle Fairy」 Limited Pick Up recruitment begins! Pick Up period: 📅: 12/15 5:00 ~ 12/28 23:59:59 (UTC+9) Recruit her from the 「Limited-Time Recruitment」 now! #NIKKE #Anne
【NIKKE Motion Demonstration】 Anne: Miracle Fairy - became a Christmas Fairy and brought happiness to everyone She uses RL: Mayfly, and her Burst skill can revive the dead Attacker teammates, and can also restore the blood volume of all Attacker teammates! #NIKKE #Anne
【Winter Fairy】 「Fairies aren't meant to be all doom and gloom」 Commander! Can I hand my old notebook over to you? #NIKKE #Anne
【NIKKE PROFILE - Anne: Miracle Fairy】 ✅: Manufacturer: Missilis industry ✅: Affiliation: Recall & Release ✅: Weapon: RL: Mayfly Despite retaining memories for only this winter, she dressed as a winter fairy to help the children of the Ark spread their dreams. #NIKKE #Anne
【NIKKE PROFILE - Anne: Miracle Fairy】 This winter, she intends to forge new memories... Memories which will eventually live on only as written entries in her notebook. "I bought a new notebook. I'll be able to write down all my memories here!" #NIKKE #Anne
【Limited Pick Up Recruitment Notice】 A new character 「Anne: Miracle Fairy」 is coming soon~ 「Anne: Miracle Fairy」 Limited Pick Up recruitment begins simultaneously! Stay tuned! ※Limited characters are not obtainable in ordinary recruit after pick up ends #NIKKE #Anne
[#앤] 데뷔 축하해 멤버들 축하 고마워요 그루들 모두모두 사랑해❤️ #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[#앤] 영화가 청불이라 지금 당장 못보는 그루들은 넘 아쉽지만.. 꼭꼭 성인 되면 보시구, 이미 으른인 그루들은 바쁜 시간 피해서 꼭 한번씩 보러가주기🫶🏻 우리 그루들 너무너무 사랑해요 고마워요❤️ #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 안녕하세요~ 더킬러에서 윤지역을 맡은 이서영입니다 그루들 축하 너무너무 고마워요 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 하드털이_[ANNE 드라이브] Like it Hot M/V촬영 모음집 📁_1탄 2탄도 기대해주세요🦊 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 하드털이_[ANNE 드라이브] Like it Hot M/V촬영 모음집 📁_1탄 2탄도 기대해주세요🦊 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 하드털이_[ANNE 드라이브] Like it Hot M/V촬영 모음집 📁_1탄 2탄도 기대해주세요🦊 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 하드털이_[ANNE 드라이브] 반응 좋으면 또 찾아오지👻 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 너무 늦은 뒷북 이지만 내 눈에 띈걸 어떡하남🙈🙉 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 1월 마지막 주말_ 시간 Sooo 빠르다 조급해 하지 않아도 괜찮다, 잘 해낼 수 있다 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン
[#앤] 1월 마지막 주말_ 시간 Sooo 빠르다 조급해 하지 않아도 괜찮다, 잘 해낼 수 있다 #공원소녀 #GWSN #公園少女 #公园少女 #GirlsinthePark #앤 #Anne #エン