#HappyJEONGYEONday Thanks for your having been born in this world. You are the best woman I’ve ever known. You deserve all the love in the world. I wish you happy and healthy forever💚 @JYPETWICE #정연 #JEONGYEON #ジョンヨン #AlwaysWithYoo #정연이와_채워가는_11월의_조각
Happy 26th Birthday to #TWICE's beautiful and very talented #JEONGYEON! 👏💐🎂🎉🌟👑❤️ #HappyJeongyeonDay #정연이와_채워가는_11월의_조각 #AlwaysWithYoo @JYPETWICE
Happiest birthday to our Jeongyeonie~ We wish you happiness and healthiness in your life. You are a strong and brave woman and we admire you more for that. We will always be by your side~ 💚 #정연이와_채워가는_11월의_조각 #AlwaysWithYoo
沢山のユプイプイツイに♡押したけどもう腕吊りそうで限界なのでここら辺でおしまい!笑 ユプイプイおめでとう🎉 #HappyJeongyeonDay #정연이와_채워가는_11월의_조각 #AlwaysWithYoo #JEONGYEON #MAMAVOTE #twice 
[TRANSLATION] Special Message by JYPE for JEONGYEON's Birthday (File Image Names) #정연이와_채워가는_11월의_조각 #AlwaysWithYoo #HappyJeongyeonDay