🌹유튜브 월드와이드 트렌딩🌹 1️⃣ JISOO - ‘꽃(FLOWER)’ DANCE PERFORMANCE VIDEO 2️⃣ JISOO - ‘꽃(FLOWER)’ M/V 7️⃣ All Eyes On Me 8️⃣ JISOO - ‘꽃(FLOWER)’ M/V TEASER #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
[🎥] NEW DIOR LE BAUME 전세계 최초로 릴리즈된 캠페인 영상 속, 디올 글로벌 앰버서더 지수는 경쾌한 리듬에 몸을 맡기며 지수만의 감성으로 NEW 디올 르 밤이 지닌 대담하고 유쾌한 뷰티 제스처를 녹여냈다. 🔗 instagram.com/p/CrF8dbVrVvw/ #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
꽃 (FLOWER) by #JISOO — 09:00 KST #2 Bugs (=) #2 MelOn (+9) #13 FLO (+1) #16 Genie (+6) All Eyes On Me by #JISOO — 09:00 KST #25 Bugs (-5) #61 MelOn (+24) #64 FLO (=) #95 Genie (+19) #ME FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe
🎉 '꽃' 멜론 24시간 이용자수 30만 돌파 🎉 퀸꽃 축하해🌹♥️ #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
ME by #JISOO in its 4th day on Spotify Total unfiltered streams — #FLOWER: +4.334.873 — All Eyes On Me: +1.805.826 Total filtered streams — Flower: +3,502,289 — #AllEyesOnMe: +1,353,954
ME by #JISOO in its 8th Day on the Spotify Counter. #ME : 51,692,692 (+4,817,425) unfiltered streams — #FLOWER : 35,634,281 (+3,638,428) — #AllEyesOnMe : 16,058,411 (+1,178,997)
🇰🇷 인기 급상승 동영상 #3 🔗 youtu.be/ZMYR5s9DoTs 드디어 순위 업뎃❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🥹 #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
【𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦】 230406 @ sooyaaa__ 🌹 'Flower dance performance video 🌹 안무영상을 가지고 왔단다🥰' 🔗 youtu.be/4XZz3WXRw0A #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
🥇 2023년 음악방송 최다 1위 🥇 #1 지수 - 꽃 (FLOWER) : 8회 쇼챔피언 — 🏆🏆🏆 엠카운트다운 — 🏆 뮤직뱅크 — 🏆 쇼! 음악중심 — 🏆 인기가요 — 🏆🏆 #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
ME by #JISOO in its 6th Day on the Spotify Counter. #ME — 5,211,771 unfiltered streams #FLOWER - 3,805,804 #AllEyesOnMe - 1,417,140
JISOO on Circle Weekly Charts — Week 16 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe #1 Social 2.0 (#JISOO) #4 #7 #17 Retail Album #9 #10 #67 Album #2 #34 Global K-pop #3 #186 Digital #3 #192 Streaming #9 #144 Download #3 Bell chart #3 BGM chart #4 Ring chart #106 Singing Room chart (+88)
JISOO - ‘꽃(FLOWER)’ M/V MAKING FILM (출처 : YG FAMILY | 네이버TV) 🔗naver.me/xkqknQWE 네이버TV 하트❤️와 응원의 댓글💬 한번씩! #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
ME by #JISOO in its 5th Day on the Spotify Global Daily chart. #ME — 4,510,805 filtered streams #14 (-3) #FLOWER - 3,314,948 #148 (-39) #AllEyesOnMe - 1,195,857
@ diorbeauty 디올뷰티 공식계정 ♥️ Ever wondered what @ Sooyaaa__'s stunning beauty tips of her first single album are? 🔗instagram.com/p/Cqm2uaVNnGs/… #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
ME by #JISOO in its 16th Day on the Spotify Counter. #ME : 86,996,993 unfiltered streams — #FLOWER : 63,222,171 (+3,045,883) — #AllEyesOnMe : 23,774,822 (+827,776)
【𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦】 230405 @ sooyaaa__ 🌹 a flower has bloomed 💗 🔗 instagram.com/p/CqoE7jnvJ0D/… #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
ME by #JISOO in its 19th Day on the Spotify Counter. #ME : 97,640,870 unfiltered streams — #FLOWER : 71,667,796 (+2,728,179) — #AllEyesOnMe : 25,973,074 (+706,953)
[𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐤] @ bp_tiktok 꽃 챌린지 🌹 🔗 tiktok.com/t/ZTRcxjUM6/ 🔗 tiktok.com/t/ZTRcxXypW/ 🔗 tiktok.com/t/ZTRcxuUs3/ #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
#JISOOO on this week's Billboard Hot Trending Songs Chart [Week of April 15, 2023] #9 #FLOWER #17 #AllEyesOnMe
【𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦】 230407 @ sooyaaa__ 🌹 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cqtj_xWtbd1/… #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
ME by #JISOO in its 9th Day on the Spotify Counter. #ME : 56,347,391 (+4,654,699) unfiltered streams — #FLOWER : 39,222,181 (+3,587,900) — #AllEyesOnMe : 17,125,210 (+1,066,799)
🇰🇷 인기 급상승 동영상 #5 🔗 youtu.be/CzOsLP7m3_M #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
지수의 세계를 이루는 것들 “저를 지키면서 새롭고 다양한 모습을 보여주고 싶었다.”는 지수의 설명처럼, 지수의 ‘꽃(FLOWER)’은 연약하기만 한 꽃이 아니라 그 자신처럼 다채로운 스펙트럼을 지닌 존재로 거듭난다. 🔗 magazine.weverse.io/article/view?l… #JISOO #지수 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe @BLACKPINK
#JISOO on Circle Weekly Charts — Week 14 #ME #FLOWER #AllEyesOnMe #2 Social Chart 2.0 #1 #3 #4 Retail Album Chart #1 #7 Album Chart #1 #11 Global Kpop Chart #2 #102 Digital Chart #3 #106 Streaming Chart #5 Bell Chart #6 #30 Ring Chart #7 #33 Download Chart #15 #162 BGM Chart