#GreatDanceCrew Today our President #AlecSu inspected the dance crew. But why did he deduct the salaries of our childlike leaders? Don't do that, please!
EP01 Part 1: youtu.be/Wx1VyZe3-Ic
EP01 Part 2: youtu.be/EPMLe6ci9j0
#GreatDanceCrew The president invites you to join the team! As the quote maker in Great Dance Crew, #AlecSu shows his great empathy! Who doesn't envy team members for having such a wonderful president?
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew You have a new message! Great Dance Crew will be on air at 20:00 (UTC+8) on April 16th on YOUKU SHOW YouTube! Remember to meet President #AlecSu and Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN and #SANTA @SANTADANCE_ on time! Peace Love Power!
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Surprise! Here is the family photo! What kind of interesting chemistry will #AlecSu #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA @SANTADANCE_ have with the members in GDC?
👉Stay tuned to GDC and join YOUKU SHOW Membership: bit.ly/youkushowmembe…!
NCT's #TEN, INTO1's #SANTA, WJSN's #ChengXiao, #Fei, and #AlecSu join Youku's Great Dance Crew
bandwagon.asia/articles/nct-w… #GreatDanceCrew