I got goosebumps when he started laughing bitterly😭😭 someome give him Oscar prize!!!!!!!! #VoxPopuLIVE #AkuSMR
General - #VoxAkuma LIVE - #VoxPopuLIVE Art - #Akurylic / NSFW - #Akumasutra Memes - #AkumaMatata Kindred/Fans - #Kindraw Thumbnails - #AkThumbA Assets - #Akumassets Food - #Akulinary Fanfic - #kinfiction ASMR - #AkuSMR twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/stat…
General - #VoxAkuma LIVE - #VoxPopuLIVE Art - #Akurylic / NSFW - #Akumasutra Memes - #AkumaMatata Kindred/Fans - #Kindraw Thumbnails - #AkThumbA Assets - #Akumassets Food - #Akulinary Fanfic - #kinfiction ASMR - #AkuSMR twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/stat…
Today's stream made me think that there is a profession among filmmakers who is a foley artist. If he can do some sound effects and let us guess what it is made of (like he used to make tentacles out of pasta) that should be fun.😌 #VoxPopuLIVE #Akurylic #AkuSMR
General - #VoxAkuma LIVE - #VoxPopuLIVE Art - #Akurylic / NSFW - #Akumasutra Memes - #AkumaMatata Kindred/Fans - #Kindraw Thumbnails - #AkThumbA Assets - #Akumassets Food - #Akulinary Fanfic - #kinfiction ASMR - #AkuSMR twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/stat…
(ooc) "Captain?!" "I warned you when the passenger list came out." "They're dangerous." #AkuSMR #VoxPopuLIVE #Akurylic
#Akurylic #VoxPopuLIVE #AkuSMR Ganba milord!❤