[🏴‍☠️] #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA 오후 6시! 중간 점검⭐️ ✔️스밍 체크 ✔️MP3 음원 구매 못한 음원사이트가 있다면 음원구매 진행해주세요‼️ ✔️ MP3음원 다운로드 다 하셨다면? 멜론, 벅스에서 MV 구매/다운로드해주세요‼️ (써클차트 반영) 🍈melon.com/video/detail2.… 🐞music.bugs.co.kr/search/integra…
[📢] Drop your votes for ATEEZ on Inkigayo Hot Stage. We have less than 3hours before it end. Let's win this again for another trophy for ATEEZ 🗳 Free Vote freevote.kr/broadCast/0000… #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] Let's celebrate ATEEZ on BILLBOARD 200 Drop the tags ATINY ATEEZ BB200 TOP 3 #ATEEZonBILLBOARD200 #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🚨] 2hours left to maintain and make a huge gap on The Show and Show Champion pre-vote. Keep it up ATINY. Maximize votes until the end. 🗳StarPlanet api.starpass.co.kr/web/applink.do… 🗳IdolChamp promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📣ATINY ⏰本日20:00より ◉ドショの事前投票(starplanet) ◉ショーチャン事前投票(idolchamp) が始まります! また投票は満点を取れるよう💗集めを頑張りましょう🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ よろしくお願いします🔥🔥 #Guerrilla #MOVEMENT #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] Let's vote Guerrilla MV on Idol Champ, ALL THE K-POP YOUTUBE AD Poll. The reward can help promote ATEEZ and boost Guerrilla MV views. Drop some votes until September 8. 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… . #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla
[📢] Come on ATINY, 50K views left to 20M views for GUERRILLA MV. Let's pick up the pace and reach it soon as we can. ▶️ youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🚨] ATINY, the gap is so small. ATEEZ currently 1st on IdolChamp, Weekly Ranking. We still have 3hours to maintain the rank. Make sure to drop your votes before it ends. 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] ATEEZ currently #2 on TTA Candidate Selection (Boy) Pre-Voting that will end later 11:59PM KST. Proceed to Idol Champ App now for ATEEZ. Let's aim to catch up on 1st before it end 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] Drop a screenshot of your voting proof with your watermark 👇 Every vote counts ATINY 🔥 #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] Idol Champ Weekly Ranking (August, 4th Week) poll has started. If you have extra chamsims vote for ATEEZ. Let's try to win this week. Voting is until August 28 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #MOVEMENT #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[ 220806 | Pre-Vote Rank 10PM KST ] —THE SHOW #1 🗳 api.starpass.co.kr/web/applink.do… —SHOW CHAMPION #1 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… —MCOUNTDOWN #3 🗳 mnetplus.world/community/vote… * Maximize your votes today before the reset * #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
IDOLCHAMP CHINA PREVOTE 220806 19:45 CST update! ATEEZ is 1st the gap widens again!!! If you have phone numbers starting with the second image please create an account and vote for ATEEZ!! DM us for detailed instructions #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🏴‍☠️] 더쇼, 쇼챔 사전투표 시작 305회 더쇼 사전투표 8월 1주차 쇼챔피언 챔피언송 투표 진행 중입니다! Star Planet과 Idol Champ앱에서 #에이티즈 투표 부탁드려요!🔥 #에이티즈_게릴라_세상을_깨워 #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #ATEEZ #GUERRILLA
[🏴‍☠️] #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA 아직..!🥇🏆 더 가능합니다! ✅음원 스밍 계속! ✅음원구매 못한 분들 오늘까지 해주세요‼️ ✅#GUERRILLA 라디오 노래신청📻 ✅현재 더쇼 / 쇼챔 사전투표 진행 중🔥 ⭐️압도적으로⭐️ 이길 수 있도록 표 많이 부어주세요‼ #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] ATINY, we are less than 100K views away for Guerrilla MV to hit 20M views on Youtube. Let's reach it as soon as we can. Make sure to stream the right way. Keep it up ▶️ youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] MC YUNHO and YEOSANG on SBS MTV THE SHOW (August 9) 🔥 Let's do our best to get another win for double celebration 🎉 Let's maintain 1st place on pre-vote and get our jellies ready for live vote #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/ATEEZstaff/sta…
[🚨] Less than 3hours to catch up for ATEEZ on IdolChamp, Youtube Record Breaking Idol. Let's close the gap and get back to 1st. Drop your votes before it end. 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
I’m currently listening to ATEEZ’s (@ATEEZofficial) new song #GUERRILLA from their newest album THE WORLD EP.1: MOVEMENT #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #에이티즈 #ATEEZ
[🏴‍☠️] #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA 1⃣더쇼 사전투표 (스타플래닛 앱) 2⃣쇼챔 사전투표 (아이돌챔프 앱) ☆압도적으로☆ 이길 수 있도록 #ATEEZ 투표 많이 해주세요🔥 3⃣ 사전투표: mnetplus.world/community/vote… 사전투표 1위 가보자구요🔥 4⃣ #민기 생일 한글해시 투표: forms.gle/51Ecwo7pZqETZZ…
[🏴‍☠️] #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA KBS쿨FM [가요광장] ATEEZ 게릴라 송출〰️🎵 티니들 잘하고있어요❤ (+선곡 감사해요 DJㅎㄷ님) #GUERRILLA was aired on KBS CoolFM! 라디오 선곡 신청 계속 해주세요👍 방송시간에 짧은 사연과 함께 '게릴라' 문자로 신청📨 📻문자 원클릭(모바일): ateezstrmsubacct.blogspot.com/2022/07/test.h…
[🏴‍☠️] #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA 다음주 🥇가능한 상황! KBS/SBS/MBC 라디오 프로그램에 에이티즈 '게릴라(Guerrilla)' 신청 문자 보내주세요📨 이번 주 게릴라 여러 번 선곡됐어요! 잘하고 있어요 ATINY👍 꾸준히 하면 돼요! (+ 선곡 감사해요 DJ😍) 📻노래신청 원클릭(모바일): ateezstrmsubacct.blogspot.com/2022/07/test.h…
@ATEEZcommunity @ATEEZofficial Huge thank you for all the hardwork that goes behind the scenes! Thank you to @hello82official too, we love you all! ATEEZ BB200 TOP 3 #ATEEZonBILLBOARD200 @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #GUERRILLA #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #ATEEZ #에이티즈
[🏴‍☠️] #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA 인기가요 투표 2 종류 진행 중이며, 둘 다 참여해주세요! (매일 투표하기) 1⃣인기가요 HOT STAGE (수요일 18시까지) 🏆가능성 높으므로 FREEVOTE 앱 설치 후, 핫스테이지 #에이티즈 투표🔥🔥 2⃣인기가요 사전투표 멜론앱에서 진행 / 8월 6일까지🍈