안녕하세요 전세계 ARMY 여러분! KBS 한국방송 한글날 특집 방송 제작팀입니다. 10월 9일 한글날을 맞아 ‘#방탄_ 때문에_한글’을 배운 ARMY들의 모습을 소개하고자 합니다. BTS 그리고 한글에 관한 설문조사에 응해주세요. docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #BTS #ARMY #방탄소년단
We vote #Butter #ARMY #BTS at the 2021 #KCAMexico @BTS_twt
ARMYのみなさん! 「BTS Memories of 2020」はご予約済みですか?💚 Galaxy は、これまで公開した #GalaxyxBTS のビジュアルや映像を見つつ待ちわびてます🥰 これからも #Galaxy#BTS そして #ARMY のみなさんと共に…🤟💜 #BTSmemoriesof2020 #GalaxyxBTS #withGalaxy @BTS_twt
I vote #ARMY for ‘Fandom do ano’ and #BTS for ‘Grupo Musical Fav’ at the 2021 #MPN! (@BTS_twt)
@GlobalBTSVoting @BTS_twt I vote #ARMY for ‘Fandom do ano’ and #BTS  for ‘Grupo Musical Fav’ at the 2021 #MPN!
@GlobalBTSVoting @BTS_twt I vote #ARMY for ‘Fandom do ano’ and #BTS  for ‘Grupo Musical Fav’ at the 2021 #MPN!
I vote #BTS, #ARMY & #BUTTER at the 2021 #KCAMexico
I vote #BTS , #ARMY, #Butter, #PermissionToDance  and #ButterClipe at the 2021 (Meus Premios Nick) #MPN
I vote for #BTS, #ARMY & #Butter at the 2021 #KCAMexico 🗳 RT + Reply to vote too
#Butter MV再生回数が 5億回を突破しました!!! おめでとうございます🎉 축하합니다🎉 #Butter500M #バンタン #ばんたん #防弾少年団 #방탄소년단 #BTS #ARMY #アーミー @BTS_twt
Most viewed #BTS MVs on YouTube: 1. DNA — 1.32B 2. Boy With Luv — 1.31B 3. Dynamite — 1.2B 4. MIC Drop — 1.01B 5. Fake Love — 980M 6. IDOL — 976M 7. BIood Sweat and Tears — 774M 8. FIRE (1theK) — 704M 9. DOPE (1theK) — 661M 10. Save Me — 605M 11. #Butter — 499M #KCAMexico #ARMY
@GlobalBTSVoting @BTS_twt I vote #ARMY for ‘Fandom do ano’ at the 2021 #MPN!
@GlobalBTSVoting @BTS_twt I vote #ARMY for ‘Fandom do ano’ at the 2021 #MPN!
I vote for #ARMY, #BTS & #Butter at the 2021 #KCAMexico 🗳
We are casting our vote to #ARMY as our ‘Fandom do ano’ at the 2021 #MPN! (@BTS_twt) 🔃 + 💬 to 🗳.
Wowowow! AGAIN, we did it for 10 consecutive weeks! Congratulations @BTS_twt and #ARMY 🎉 I know how hard all ARMY, especially US/PR Army so well. Thank you for making this history once again 😭 I'm so proud of ourselves 😭 #Butter9thNo1OnHot100 #외랑둥이_수고는_우리가알아 twitter.com/billboardchart…