Chen - Last Scene won Top 20 Songs Of The Year and People's Choice Award Overseas category at the ASIAN POP MUSIC AWARDS 2022 Congratulations Chen! 🎉 #APMA #APMA2022 #AsianPopMusicAwards #亞洲流行音樂大獎 #亚洲流行音乐大奖 #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO…
[INFO] SEVENTEEN's 4th full album, FACE THE SUN, bagged 3 awards at the Asian Pop Music Awards 2022 Overseas Category (China). 🏆 Best Group (FTS) 🏆 People's Choice Award (FTS) 🏆 Top 20 Albums of the Year (FTS) CONGRATULATIONS SVT!🎉 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FaceTheSun #APMA2022
[INFO] SEVENTEEN's title track, HOT, bagged 2 awards at the Asian Pop Music Awards 2022 Overseas Category in China. 🏆 Top 20 Songs of the Year (HOT) 🏆 Best Dance Performance (HOT) CONGRATULATIONS SVT! 🎉 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17 #HOT #SVT_HOT #APMA2022
Adding HOT's 2 awards, @pledis_17 won a total of 5 awards at the #APMA2022. Congratulations SEVENTEEN and especially to CARATs who've work hard to make all of these possible! 🎉 You've all worked hard! THANK YOU! 💗…