A recent HIV Vaccine produced an immune response in 97% of participants. "This is a landmark study in the HIV vaccine field, demonstrating success in the first step of a pathway to induce broad neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1" #AIDS #StopAids youtube.com/watch?v=ygb2XY…
BBC admits they used HIV to make the vaccine and now they all have AIDS, and of course the new "covid" pills are really HIV medication. 英国广播公司承认Covid-19疫苗是使用艾滋病毒制造的,疫苗接种者都患有艾滋病,当然,新的治疗 "新冠"药丸实际上是艾滋病毒药物。 #HIV #vaccine #AIDS
だから、得体の知れないワクチンを打てばAIDSが増えますよとあれだけ忠告したでしょう? #沖縄タイムズ #mRNAワクチン #AIDS news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/ba08a…