Así es amigos. Hoy toca descansar y apoyar a nuestros compañeros #ADayOffTwitch. Tortilla hoy no permitirá hacer streams en nuestros servidores. Nos vemos mañana 🤍 twitter.com/Tortilla_Land/…
Reminder to not send any hate to those who choose to or are contractually obligated to stream during #ADayOffTwitch We want to stop hate raids not contribute to its negativity
In support of #ADayOffTwitch and those who have been affected by the recent hate raids, I will not be streaming today. It’s unacceptable to see this kind of hate because everyone deserves to feel safe on this platform.
Hoy toca apoyar a todos nuestros compañer@s, con lo cual nos sumamos a la causa #ADayOffTwitch y no habrá directo el día de hoy mis panas! twitter.com/Elesky25/statu…
Going to be standing in solidarity today with those effected by the recent hate raids and will be taking the day off #ADayOffTwitch
Going to be standing in solidarity today with those effected by the recent hate raids and will be taking the day off #ADayOffTwitch