One more bizarre misdeed of Delhi CM Shri @ArvindKejriwal.
Forgery of Rs 900 cr in his Labour Ministry. Over 2 lakh fake registrations of labourers!
What lies in the kitty of @AamAadmiParty are dirt, deception and conmanship.
#AAPsurdity — a big liability for Delhi denizens!
AAP gang has relentlessly been ranting over Hindu religious beliefs and sentiments. Time to expose!
#AAPsurdity at its best. Watch 👇
This is AAP culture of giving VVIP treatment to those who are on wrong side of law!
A tainted and jailed minister of AAP, denied bail five times, gets a massage inside Tihar jail.
#AAPsurdity at its peak. Shame!
#AAPkePaap #AAPExposed @AamAadmiParty
The Fraud Aadmi Party indulged in goondagiri in the MCD, preventing the Mayor election 3 times.
Now that they’ve won (with several fewer votes than their numbers), they are trying to spin black into white!
It's limitless #AAPsurdity!