💜 태형이의 9800일 축하 💜 오늘은 소중한 #TAEHYUNG #BTSV 가 태어난지 9800일 되는 날입니다. 아래 해시태그로 기쁜날을 함께 축하해주세요! #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
It's been 9800 days since precious Tae entered this world that's blessed to inspiringly witness his genuine heart, compassionate spirit & beautiful soul~ a true treasure inside and out, overflowing with boundless talents ♡ #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
Please join us in celebrating 9,800 days since love was born as Taehyung. #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째 Reply below with hashtags and a message of how much V means to you. 💜
アミ想いの優しい心のテテ。笑うと四角になる可愛い口。テテが笑顔で毎日幸せに過ごせるように願っています 生まれくれてありがとう。大好きです テテ 9800日おめでとうございます💜 テテむらさきするよ #WeLoveYouTaehyung #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
✴︎ 愛するテテが生まれて9800日 ✴︎ アミを大切に想ってくれて沢山の優しさと愛情を送ってくれるテテちゃん。 私達があなたのテトラポッドになります。生まれてくれてありがとうテテ♥️ テテむらさきするよ #WeLoveYouTaehyung #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
It’s been 9800 days since our angel Taehyung was born ♡ 💜 HAPPY 9800 DAYS 💜 #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
9800 Days of Taehyung ❤ Thank you for coming into our lives our happiness preacher Tae. You are truly a blessing with your lovely heart and beautiful personality. #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
รักที่สุดเลยนะจิ๋ว ขอให้เป็นที่รักของทุกคนไปแบบนี้ตลอดนะคะ #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째
From being baby to daddy.. Our sweet and sunshine bestie. Our happiness preacher. We are so happy and proud of you! Thank you for all your hard work and making us happy! Keep it up and stay jolly! Borahae! 💜 #9800DaysWithTaehyung #사랑이_태형으로태어난지_9800일째