[📢] CALL FOR REGION GDM ATINY, We need you to join us in Region GDM to do missions! If you want to join us please send your screen record voting proof to assigned PIC based on your country! #8Makes1Star #WakeUpATINY #에이티즈 #ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial
63M votes 🔥—🔥 keep on going atinys! there are only 3 days left and we will not stop now; everyone, vote for #ATEEZ on FANNSTAR for TFMA Four Star Award. #8Makes1Star #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🏴‍☠️] #8Makes1Star 격차 유지 잘하면 🏆! 할 수 있어요 에이티니! BUT 오후시간 격차가 더 벌어졌어요😭 다시 점유율 '4⃣0⃣% 이상'이 되도록‼️ 🚨이 글 확인 즉시!🚨 '▶️' 눌러서 광고보기(자동 50표) ⭐️모아서 #ATEEZ 투표해주세요‼️ 다른 티니들에게도 꼭 알려주세요 지금 시작해도 늦지 않아요🙏‼️ twitter.com/ATEEZstrm/stat…
we exceeded 32M votes, atiny!🔥A🔥) an hour before the reset, make sure to use your remaining video votes!! #8Makes1Star we surely got this! #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
we exceeded 25M votes, atinys!! there’s a mass voting happening now; please join voting for #ATEEZ TMA Four Star award on FANNSTAR now🔥💪 #8Makes1Star let’s keep going! #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
เอทินี่มาช่วยกันโหวต TMA ผ่านแอพ Fan n star ให้เอทีซกันค่ะ - สะสม Yellow star / Rainbow star - 1วิดีโอ = 50 Yellow star = 50 โหวต - ดูวิดีโอได้ๆทุกๆ 10 นาที - ดูวิดีโอได้ 40 ครั้ง / วัน - สูงสุด 1000 โหวต/วัน End 27 มิถุนายน งาน TMA 2022.10.08 #8Makes1Star @ATEEZofficial