190223 is the day that brought you to me. You are the epitome of my youth. The pride and passion you have in all you do is a testament for your undisputed standing today. #7yearswithCHANYEOL #찬열데뷔7주년축하해 #찬열 #CHANYEOL #엑소찬열 #EXO⁠ ⁠⁠ #weareoneEXO@weareoneEXO
190223 Among a multitude of stars, one stares down at me. Among a multitude of people, I stare up at that one star, unlike any other. Park Chanyeol. #7yearswithCHANYEOL #찬열데뷔7주년축하해 #찬열 #CHANYEOL #엑소찬열 #EXO⁠ ⁠⁠ #weareoneEXO@weareoneEXO