Today marks the sixth anniversary of Jimin's first solo masterpiece "Lie," a song he participated in the lyrics and composition. A timeless beauty. An embodiment of Jimin the artist who creates and elevates art, and connects. #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해 LIE BY JIMIN
Jin expressed Jimin writes very good melodies. Yoongi said he has the potential to go far musically. Namjoon noted Jimin always does well. Lie, Jimin's first solo and a song he wrote and composed, is a testament of this musical giftedness. #6YearsWithLie LIE BY JIMIN
"Lie" 무대에서의 지민의 움직임은 하나하나 모두 예술입니다. 심장을 움켜쥐는듯한 호소력 짙은 라이 속 지민의 보컬과 퍼포먼스는 그저 감동이죠. 우리가 박라이를 레전드라고 부르는 이유입니다. 지민의 명작 "Lie"의 6주년을 축하합니다. 사랑해요박라이 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
Jimin said Lie was his first step as a songwriter and composer. He worked hard on the lyrics and melodies till he was satisfied. Today, it's become one of the most lauded and iconic songs in the Korean popular music scene. #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해 LIE BY JIMIN
지금 트렌딩 중입니다. 약속된 해시로 함께 축하해주세요. 사랑해요 박라이 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
0:48 ステージに額を打ちつけるようにして崩れるジミン この時は演出でなく、実際に酸欠状態だったのは有名な話 それでも演技かのように最後まで演じきる彼の真似など、誰もできはしない 美しく危ういLie 6周年おめでとう…💜 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
Six years and to this day, various artists around the world cover and give tribute to "Lie." A masterclass performance that showcases high-level skills and is dubbed as "The Idol's Rite of Passage." #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해 LIE BY JIMIN
quote/reply with your fave gif/pic of jimin performing lie #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
내게서 떠나지 말아줘 박라이 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
its been 6 years since they released the masterpiece, LIE by park jimin #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
ジミンちゃんの最初のソロ曲Lieが今日で6周年です👏 肉体的にも精神的にも極限まで追い求めて魅せてくれるLieは、呼吸を忘れるほどの感動を与えてくれます✨ ジミンちゃん6周年おめでとう🎉 タグとキーワードでお祝いしましょう🥂 👇 LIE BY JIMIN #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
"Lie" achieves its 56th No. 1 on iTunes as Honduras joins the list. 🇭🇳 Congratulations, Jimin! 👏 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해 LIE BY JIMIN
。・゜🖤 ♡ 。  ・ ゜    ♡      ♡    ♡ ゜・。。 🖤 ・゜ ♡ ゜ 🤍・* ・ ♡ ° ♡ . 。     ♡.#6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해  。・゜    ♡ ・ 。 🖤。・♡.   ♡ 。・゜     🤍 ♡. 🤍. ♡.・・。。♡
#6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해 ジミンが"この曲に殺されるかもしれない"とまで表現した『Lie』 ジミンの鬼気迫るほどの表現力、没入感を見ると今でも凄いものを見せられている気分になる でも実は日本の年齢で言えばこの時まだ20歳。デビューして3年、初のソロ曲ということにさらに驚く twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
첫 솔로곡이자, 지민이만의 독보적인 춤선과 색을 가득 담은 Lie. 아이돌로서, 퍼포머로서, 보여줄 수 있는 스펙트럼이 이렇게 다양한 너라서 너무 좋아 지민아😭 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해
지민의 솔로곡 "Lie"가 온두라스 아이튠즈 1위에 오르면서 아이튠즈 55개국 1위를 달성했습니다. 축하해요 박라이 사랑해요 지민💛 #6YearsWithLie #지민아_라이6주년축하해