ในวันที่ฝนพรำเธอคิดถึงกันบ้างไหม ☔️ ฉากนี้น่ารักมาก ใครยังไม่ได้ดู รีบไปดูกันเลยที่ WeTV #609FinalEPS #609BedtimeStory
#609BedtimeStoryEP3: Meet Game, my new boyfriend. Do you still need proof to believe? 🤔 #609BedtimeStory | Every Friday at 9 PM GMT+8 on WeTV. ▶️ LINK: bit.ly/3gVB6D6
มาน้อย แต่มานะ @Plustor #609BedtimeStory #609FinalVer2
🏆#楽天TV 2月総合ランキング! 🥇第1位 #LoveinTheAir 🥈第2位 #BetweenUs 🥉第3位 #ボクらの恋愛シェアハウス 配信スタートしたばかりの「Love in The Air」が早くも1位に🎉 第1話は無料配信中! 📺動画視聴⇒tv.rakuten.co.jp/?utm_source=tw… #プンドク荘304号室の事情 #609BedtimeStory #HIStory5
LOOK: #DontSayNoTheSeries stars Smart Chisanupong and James Pongsapak with the director of #TheEclipseSeries and #609BedtimeStory, Golf Tanwarin. A #SmartJames's project is coming? Is it 'Just Say Yes!'? Or just a new project together?
[CLIP] โอห์ม-ฟลุ้ค มาเป็น ดีน-ภาม ครั้งนี้ เข้าขากว่าเดิม เพราะสนิ้ทสนิทกัน/ 609 premier จะใส่ชุดนอนอะไรกันนะ?? 👉youtu.be/4bLHklsyiow #โอห์มฟลุ้ค #ดีนภาม #BetweenUsTheSeries #609BedtimeStory #เจ้าแก้มก้อน #โอห์มไง
From the same production of #TheEclipseSeries, All This Entertainment announces their upcoming BL “#609BedtimeStory” is coming out soon on WeTV — starring #OhmFluke Ohm Thitiwat and Fluke Natouch. | #609ComingSoon ** Rumored release date: November 26, 2022.
DID YOU KNOW? | Fluke Natouch's 2015 movie '#RedWineInTheDarkNight' and his upcoming project '#609BedtimeStory' with Ohm Thitiwat are under the direction of K' Golf Tanwarin Sukkhapisit, who also directed GMMTV's The Eclipse.
THAILAND | #OhmFluke's #609BedtimeStory's world premiere is set on November 26 on WeTV. One day, a strange man is sleeping on Mum's bed, a playboy and the owner of room 609. They both have passionate sex the first time they meet and after that, mysterious things keep happening.
พี่มั่มกับลุคแจ็คเก็ตยีนส์สุดคูล…วันนี้เจอกันครับ เปิดคอมรื้อรูปมาทำเตรียมส่งท้าย609แปบ^^ 😘 #609BedtimeStory #OhmThitiwat
วันนี้จะได้ดู Trailer กันแล้ว รอเลย เวลา 6.09 PM พูดคุยกันผ่าน Tag #.609OfficialTrailer (ไม่ต้องพ่วง tag) #OhmThitiwat #609BedtimeStory #WeTVOriginal #WeTVth #ALLTHIS
#609BedtimeStoryEP8: Better way of tasting the rice porridge with shrimp. #609BedtimeStory | Every Friday at 9 PM GMT+8 on WeTV. ▶️ LINK: bit.ly/3gVB6D6
WeTV Thailand released the schedule guide of their upcoming WeTV Original “#609BedtimeStory” starring #OhmFluke — which premieres on December 2. It consists of 11EPs where in the finale episode, you can choose which series' ending you preferred. Details will be revealed soon.
📢情報解禁‼️ 僕が君の未来を変えられるのか… 「#609BedtimeStory」TELASAで見放題【最速】配信決定💌 🗓️6/1(木)0時 全話一挙配信 人気俳優 #Ohm#Fluke が再共演💕 時空を超え2つの世界が混ざり合う ファンタジーラブストーリー🥰 #OhmFluke
🎄 UPCOMING BL THIS DECEMBER, 2022 12.01 | #OhMyAssistant 🇰🇷 12.02 | #609BedtimeStory 🇹🇭 12.02 | #MySchoolPresident 🇹🇭 12.15 | #AmeiroParadox 🇯🇵 12.19 | #ChainOfHeartTheSeries 🇹🇭 12.XX | XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 12.XX | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
#609WorldPremiere: The story of Mum and Dew has begun! What kind of secret did room 609 have? #609BedtimeStory | Every Friday at 9PM GMT+8 on WeTV. ▶️ LINK: bit.ly/3gVB6D6
㊗️ #609BedtimeStory 決まりましたー🎉 / 💜タイBL「609 Bedtime Story」 📺#楽天TV で 🕙12/2(金)22時(日本時間)より、タイ本国と同時配信開始 🇯🇵字幕付き \ どうぞお楽しみに! #OhmFluke #OhmThitiwat #Fluke_natouch #タイドラマ #タイBL 🇹🇭タイドラマ ⇒tv.rakuten.co.jp/search/tag/491…
LOOK: All This Entertainment released ‘#609officialMV by PLAKFAI’, a 609 Bedtime Story OST on YouTube 👉 youtu.be/3yFDTL6aD-c. “#609BedtimeStory” starring Ohm Thitiwat, Fluke Natouch, Plustor Pronpiphat, and Potae Watcharayu—premieres on December 1st, every Friday on WeTV.
WeTV Thailand Original's #609BedtimeStory finally revealed it's main couple! Ohm Thitiwat and Fluke Natouch will be playing the role of Mum and Dew! #WeTVxOhmFluke #OhmFluke
WATCH: When a playboy fell asleep, woke up in a different world, and meets a mysterious man... what kind of story awaits to unfold? “#609BedtimeStory” starring #OhmFluke, premieres on December 2, every Friday at 9 PM GMT+8 only on WeTV.
/ Ohmさん&Flukeさん 一言タイ語講座③ \ 「#609BedtimeStory」のご視聴ありがとうございました🌙 日本では馴染みがないですが、タイでは"お誕生日おめでとう"の後に続けてなど、よく使われるそう! "幸せになって"の意味合いで、自分にも相手にも使えます☺️ #609BedtimeStoryEP4 #楽天TVで609
💜タイBL「609 Bedtime Story」 予告編が届きました🎁 📺楽天TVで12/2(金)22時、配信開始! 🇯🇵字幕付き 🇹🇭タイドラマ ⇒tv.rakuten.co.jp/search/tag/491… 🔰#楽天TV 初めての方へ ・登録無料 ・観たい作品だけ買える ⇒tv.rakuten.co.jp/static/guide/?… #609BedtimeStory #OhmFluke #OhmThitiwat #fluke_natouch
タイドラマ fan BOOK! vol.2お知らせ📢 本体付属の人気作ポストカードですが、下記作品のキービジュアルに決定しました✨ Love in The Air/Love Mechanics/ 609 Bedtime Story/Remember Me #LoveinTheAir #LoveMechanics #609BedtimeStory #Remembermetheseries 今日は更に告知があります!
#OhmFluke's #609BedtimeStory Official Trailer will be released tonight at 6.09 PM GMT+7 on YouTube: WeTV Original. Premieres on December 2nd on WeTV.