5 years ago today Taehyung rewrote the history of Kpop with Singularity #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년 나 약간 싱귤광인이네?
It has been 5 years since Singularity, performed by SOULFUL VOICE V, was released. The song is one of 65 best songs in 2018 by NY Times & peaked #1 on Billboard World Digital Song Sales. #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
if you see this, rt & reply with SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
🇸🇦 All 3 versions of Singularity are now occupies the whole Top 3 on Saudi Arabia Itunes following #5YearsWithSingularity
『Sigularity』は本当に聴けば聴くほどいい歌だと確信します メンバーの中で唯一テヒョンだけが活かせる曲だと思います LOVE YOURSELF'Tear' ナムさんのBehind #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주 #5YearsWithSingularity
LA타임즈는 "싱귤래리티가 높은 평가를 받을 수 있었던 이유는 뷔의 소울풀한 가창력 덕분이다."라고 분석해 다소 난해한 곡을 소화한 뷔의 보컬 역량을 높이 평가했다. 태형이의 싱귤래리티 5주년을 축하합니다 SOULFULVOICEV #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
💜태형이의 Singularity 5주년 축하💜 #TAEHYUNG 의 싱귤래리티 5주년을 축하합니다! 아래 해시태그와 키워드로 함께 축하해주세요! #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년 SOULFUL VOICE V twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🇳🇵 Singularity has re-entered Nepal Itunes at #7 following #5YearsWithSingularity
SOULFULVOICEV 뷔의중저음을온전히느낄수있는곡 #5YearsWithSingularity LA타임즈2018년최고명곡에빛나는 #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년 태형이의싱귤래리티5주년을축하합니다
RT &Reply❣️ Vからテヒョンに変わる この瞬間の笑顔が大好きです💖 WE LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
テテ 『Singularity 』5周年✨ 数々記録を打ち立てた『Singularity 』 思わず引き込まれてしまうような テテの表現力に魅了されました ありがとう、Taehyung✨ SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
📢 Trending event for 5Y Singularity Congratulations 🎉 to one of the most critically acclaimed & evergreen song - Singularity by V. The song has won an award for the best choreography too. Share your love by trending the 👇 #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
#Singularity 5주년 기념 다시 봐도 좋은 싱귤래리티 영상 (재업) 📺tvN 프리한19 <2019년 방송> "세계가 먼저 알아본 BTS 명곡" 그루브한 리듬, 뷔의 표정 연기, 명품 음색 SOULFULVOICEV #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
🐯🐻テテ Singularity 5周年記念おめでとう㊗️🎉🎈🎊 深く心に染み渡るバリトンの声で「特異性」あるコレオグラフィーを華麗に披露してくれた22歳のテテ 異次元の妖艶な美貌と相まって非現実の世界へ誘ってくれました。🩷🎭   #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년 +
🐯テテタイム🐻 5年前「Singularity」を初めて聴いた時の衝撃…深く切ない #BTSV の歌声 心揺さぶる表現力を更に成長した姿で魅せてくれた✨ 🔽にSingularityとChristmas Treeのスクショと #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년 を送ってください💜 GIF©RedRedhyang
Happy 5 Years with Singularity our beloved masterpiece~❤️ “On “Singularity,” V excels, with his luxurious baritone molding to fit the song’s contours.”- Billboard. 🎶open.spotify.com/track/5rNZsITj… SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
Celebrating 5 years of Singularity, the best song intro for an album ever released. We are proud of you Taehyung ❤️ #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년 © BTSVSpain
🐻TAETAE MORNING🐯 5 月 7 日おはようございます 今日もテテや皆様が笑顔で過ごせますように。良い一日をお過ごしください テテちゃん おはよう テテむらさきするよ テテボラへ WE LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity
🥀ボラヘタイム🥀 Singularity 5周年 Vの魅惑的でソウルフルな声. 観た人全てを虜にする視覚的にも美しく心を奪われるテテのパフォーマンス。「究極のR&B」 視聴後スクショとタグを返信して下さい ▶︎ youtu.be/p8npDG2ulKQ SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년
I still can't forget the moment Singularity was released and I watched it on YouTube. I never was so silent watching MV before, I was so shooked by how good it was, both as a song, concept and dancing vise SOULFUL VOICE V #5YearsWithSingularity #태형이만의특별함_싱귤5주년