WINTER BEAR って描いてあるけど📷🧸 このお洋服の感じもすき #4YearsWithScenery
🐻TAETAE MORNING🐯 1 月 30 日おはようございます 今日もテテや皆様が笑顔で過ごせますように。良い一日をお過ごしください テテちゃん おはよう テテむらさきするよ WeLoveYouTaehyung BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery
happy anniversary to this beautiful piece of poetry BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년
When Taehyung made Scenery, he was looking at photographs, so that he can reminisce abt his memories. He even included the sound of camera shutter & film rolling sound, he's so precious. #4YearsWithScenery BEST SCENERY V
"Scenery is about my hobby, showing the real Kim Taehyung, the true me to Army. It's not about V onstage but it's more like, "This is how I am offstage." Happy #4YearsWithScenery BEST SCENERY V
kim taehyung being the best scenery 📸⛅ BEST SCENERY V ✧ #4YearsWithScenery
🇨🇦 CANADA TRENDS ▪︎ BEST SCENERY V ▪︎ #4YearsWithScenery
Join in celebrating the most valuable gift to us from music genius Kim Taehyung as the BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년
🥇NEHAN (音韓) Kpopアイドルランキング96週連続1位[1/23週 20.066票] 🥇BIHAN (美韓)20代俳優部門 92週連続1位[1/23週 15.898票] テテ おめでとうございます 皆様 今週も応援お願いします BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery ♥️
when a support project was made for scenery in japan just look at the big crowd gathered for a billboard ad of the song. all of his songs are so loved and rightfully so 🥹 BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년
『풍경(Scenery)』4周年おめでとうございます✨ テテからの素敵なラブレター💌 全てが美しい物語… きみの笑顔も笑い声も… テテの全ての瞬間が私たちの大切な宝物だから、その一瞬の時を逃さないよう心のシャッターを切ります… #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년 #Taehyung #BTSV
[🇯🇵Kboard K-POPアイドル  イケメン総選挙] 1/23週🥇#V (2.964票) V [뷔] おめでとうございます 2023 52週 連続1位記録更新中!! 毎日投票 ありがとうございます 今週もテテの応援お願いします BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery
태태『풍경』4주년 축하합니다💜 テテScenery4周年おめでとうございます💜 音楽を通じてテテが見せてくれた風景、今でも変わらず大切な宝物です📸♡ #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년 💜보라해💜ボラへ💜I PURPLE YOU💜 #キムテヒョン #Taehyung #BTSV
🔔テテdaily voting N&B ! リセット ▶︎ nehannn.com/artist-detail/… ▶︎ bihann.com/cast/1333.html juice ▶︎ kpopjuice.com K kpop ▶︎ korea.kaigai-drama-board.com/vote/category/… K Actor ▶︎ korea.kaigai-drama-board.com/vote/targets/d… BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery
Celebrating one of the most beautiful gift from Kim Taehyung 💜 Reply+Qrt with: BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년 🎵 bit.ly/3XYBiSg
🎊テテの最初の自作曲  『풍경 Scenery』4周年🎊 おめでとうございます。 🐻雪を踏みしめる音や、息を吐く音に気付いてくれたかな。 テテ素敵な曲をありがとう♬アカペラまた聴きたいな💜 #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년 テテ ボラへ💜 #キムテヒョン #Taehyung #BTSV
Happy anniversary for my favorite song by Kim Taehyung. It screams him, his passion to music, photography, his artistic expression and values in life (treasure memories, valuing beauty in simple things) 💜 To me this song represents Kim Taehyung the best #4YearsWithScenery
4 Years ago, Taehyung gifted us the wonderful song and a selfless declaration of his love and appreciation to armys. "You are part of my story, memory and Scenery". Please love Taehyung unconditionally too. •BEST SCENERY V• #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년
Scenery4周年おめでとう🎊㊗️ 「君を僕のものにしたいけど、去ってしまうのなら僕がその温もりを守って、モノクロフィルムに残すよ」 テテの柔らかく深く心に染み入る歌声は4年の時を経て心の奥に仕舞った郷愁と優しさを甦えらせてくれます。 #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년
"When I take photos, the people I see though the lens, the scenery, sky and streets.. I wanted to write about what those things mean to me. They're not just photos, but a real source of strength for me" — Taehyung (V) BEST SCENERY V #4YearsWithScenery #태형이와함께한풍경_4주년