Nicole 接受美国媒体采访‼️ They let all the criminals walking the street free, but denied Miles Guo's bail request. This is THE CCP country. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #315incident #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang #立即释放王雁平 #立即释放郭文贵
郭文贵是持不同政见者,也是中国共产党的头号敌人,他被SDNY起诉,并被联邦调查局强行赶出家门。郭文贵自3月15日以来一直被无理拘留 然而,政府一直无法证明郭文贵如何构成逃跑风险或对社区构成危险,甚至拒绝就此问题进行讨论。#freemilesguo #315incident
1.Miles Guo, a dissident and enemy No.1 of the Chinese Communist Party, was prosecuted by the SDNY and forcibly removed from his home by the FBI.Mr. Guo has been unreasonably detained since March 15 #freemilesguo #315incident