22.11.11 | 9PM KST | D-13 🆘 Rank #1 | GAP: 3,247🔺 STAYs❕❕ So far, we have generated 260,247 VOTES as of this moment, means there are still 19,888 ACCS haven't used from yesterday. #Goal for today is to generate minimum of #300K VOTES before Day 3 ends. We have 3 MORE HOURS!
22.11.11 | 8PM KST | D-13 🆘 Rank #1 | GAP: 2,877🔺 STAYs❕❕ So far, we have generated 248,645 VOTES as of this moment, means there are still 31,491 ACCS haven't used from yesterday. #Goal for today is to generate minimum of #300K VOTES before Day 3 ends. We have 4 MORE HOURS!
💗 #MAMAxidentEffort: MAMA Daily Votes • Day 1: 158,864 • Day 2: 280,136 🔺 We increased our daily votes from Day 1 to Day 2, our #goal for Day 3 is to generate 300,000 (#300K) VOTES after Day 3 ends. So make sure to use all your accs before 12AM KST. Create more if you can.