From what countries are joining us today to celebrate? Filo BYLS and Bubbles, mag-ingay! You? From what country are you? #2M300KforBuild KEEP GROWING WITH BUILD
I'm in luve 💙 #2M300KforBuild KEEP GROWING WITH BUILD
💙 我們一起做彼此的後盾。 你就像晨曦,讓迎來的每個日子都充滿著希望。 You said you will fight until the end. We said we will stay with you until the end. Congratulations on reaching 2.3M followers, And Welcome back my dear.💙 #2M300KforBuild #Beyourluve #Buildjakapan #build_twfc
Hello everyone~~~ Can you said, 'Congratulations for 2.3M followers Build' Don't forget to use the hashtags and keyword #2M300KforBuild KEEP GROWING WITH BUILD
— HAPPY 2.3M IG FOLLOWERS! Congrats, our Summer! Thank you so much for coming back for us, for your friends, for your family, and most especially, for yourself. We luve you as always! #2M300KforBuild KEEP GROWING WITH BUILD