22.11.17 | 7AM KST | D-7 🆘 Rank #1 | 📊 GAP: 5,036🔺 STAYs❕❕ #14_9K LEFT to reach our initial goal of 20K DO NOT BE COMPLACENT KEEP VOTING TO WIDEN THE GAP! DO NOT let them catch-up! It's their strong hours! ❓bit.ly/SVZMAMA2022 🎶spoti.fi/3El0cEz (#210Kbehind)
22.11.17 | 8AM KST | D-7 🆘 Rank #1 | 📊 GAP: 5,058🔺 🆘🆘 EMERGENCY 🆘🆘 They're trying to get #1. If you'll sleep, lend your accs at #STAYOnTheCase! KEEP VOTING TO WIDEN THE GAP! 🔥 DO NOT let them catch-up! ❓bit.ly/SVZMAMA2022 🎶spoti.fi/3El0cEz (#210Kbehind)